Hoof Care Health Center

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Hoof Care

Treating Quarter Cracks

Flossie Sellers

Treating Quarter Cracks

by Flossie Sellers

April 30, 2017 15:28

Learn what causes quarter cracks in your horse's hooves and the 7 steps necessary to repair an infected quarter crack, and why prompt services of a farrier are …

Hoof Care

What is a Farrier …

EquiMed Staff

What is a Farrier …

by EquiMed Staff

April 30, 2017 15:58

Learn about the 4 major services a farrier provides and how the farrier's knowledge and expertise are invaluable to you as a horse owner …

Ten Tips for Better Horse Hoof Health

by EquiMed Staff

April 30, 2017 17:12

10 things you can do to improve your horse's health. This article will help you develop the skills to maintain your horse's feet with occasional support by a …

Horse Hoof Care Performed by the Farrier

by EquiMed Staff

April 30, 2017 17:16

All horses require periodic hoof care. Here are the 6 foot care activities better left to a professional farrier …

Hoof Care Tip

Don't let hooves get overgrown. Clipped hoooves chip less, hold less snow and mud and provide more grip on slippery surfaces.

Horse Hoof Abscesses: Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention

by Miriam Rieck

April 30, 2017 18:10

You go to feed your horse and he is standing in the far corner of the paddock. You notice a very pronounced limp as he walks to his feeder. Did he break a bone …

hoof care
/ho͝of,ho͞of ker/
  1. the provision of what is necessary for the health, welfare, maintenance, and protection of the horny part of the foot of an ungulate animal, especially a horse.
  2. to shoe or not to shoe, that is the question.


Hoof Care - Trimming the Donkey

Video of donkey hoof trimming.

Horse Snips

Horse Hoof Care Video Shorts

Horse Health Matters

For Our Visitors!

By the founder/editor of EquiMed, this book contains the foundation of complete horse healthcare. A must for every horse owner's home library.

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