Betadine Solution

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BEY-ta-deen - Pronunciation guide

Brand Names

  • Betadine Solution
  • Betadine Surgical Scrub


Betadine solution is a microbicide that is available in several strengths, both as an antiseptic and a scrub. As an antiseptic, it is commonly used in cleansing wounds, disinfecting surgical instruments, and providing antibacterial activity wherever needed in working with horses.


Betadine solution and scrub comes in several strengths and is usually diluted according to manufacturer's or veterinarian's instructions for wound treatment and cleansing. It is also used in the treatment of thrush, white line disease, and other ailments where an on-going treatment with antiseptic action is desired. The addition of DMSO is often recommended by veterinarians. Once used for dipping the navels of foals, it has been replaced by chlorhexidine, which is considered superior.

Dosage and Administration


Apply full strength, as often as needed wet area thoroughly to insure complete coverage and penetration, but avoid “pooling” may be covered with bandage.


A. Surgical hand scrub:

  • wet hands with water
  • spread about 5 cc (1 teaspoonful) of Scrub over both hands and forearms
  • without adding more water, scrub thoroughly for 2-1/2 to 3 minutes
  • use a sponge if desired. Clean thoroughly under fingernails
  • add a little water and develop copious suds. Rinse thoroughly under running water.
  • repeat the entire procedure using another 5 cc of Scrub

B. Antiseptic hand wash:

  • wet hands with water and pour about 5 cc of Scrub on hands
  • rub hands vigorously together for at least 15 seconds, covering all surfaces
  • rinse and dry with a disposable towel

C. Pre-operative skin preparation:

  • after the surgical area is clipped, wet it with water
  • apply Scrub (1 cc is sufficient to cover an area of 20-30 square inches), develop lather - and scrub thoroughly for about 5 minutes
  • rinse off using sterile gauze saturated with water
  • the area may then be painted with Betadine Solution Veterinary and allowed to dry

Side Effects

Rare instances of local irritation or sensitivity.


Do not use Betadine in the horse's eyes. Do not heat prior to application. Prolonged exposure to wet solution may cause skin irritation, or severe skin reactions in pre-operative prepping.


None noted.


Side effects noted above may be more severe.


Betadine Solution - Follow veterinarian or package directionsBetadine Solution - Follow veterinarian or package directions

Betadine Surgical Scrub - Follow vet's or package directionsBetadine Surgical Scrub - Follow vet's or package directions




About the Author

EquiMed Staff

EquiMed staff writers team up to provide articles that require periodic updates based on evolving methods of equine healthcare. Compendia articles, core healthcare topics and more are written and updated as a group effort. Our review process includes an important veterinarian review, helping to assure the content is consistent with the latest understanding from a medical professional.
