Explore our 6 horse news categories for the latest horse and horse health related news. EquiMed is the leader in providing horse health and general horse news.
At 767 PATH member centers, more than 71,288 children and adults, including 7,427 veterans, may find improved health, wellness and a sense of pride through …
This tool empowers the equine community to take proactive steps in preventing the spread of infectious diseases and in just ten minutes, you can calculate …
The EQUUS Foundation is the only national animal welfare charity100% dedicated to equine welfare to protect America’s horses from peril and strengthen the bond …
Competent farriers will know when a horse will benefit from shoes and when a horse will be fine or better off without shoes since each horse must be assessed on …
it takes hard work, plenty of planning, and adherence to the best management principles available, but the rewards are great for both you and your horse …
Do one bit of extra tidying up every day, then even that small extra chore you do in addition to the necessary daily ones stops it building up into a massive …
Colic, a general term for abdominal pain in horses, is a common and potentially life-threatening condition that can cause severe discomfort and distress got yhr …
In young horses, tapeworm infections can cause a potentially life-threatening condition known as intussusception, which is the telescoping of the intestine into …
A large body of research on the negative impact glyphosate has on overall well-being exists, so if your horse has health problems that cannot be resolved, his …
Equine Guelph's Covid-19 response plan inspired Sheryl Kerr with how lessons learned could be directly applied to daily operations to provide funds for Guelph' …
The Horse Gentler Monty Roberts uses gentle taming with horse at Barretos Equine Event 2023 …
Goodnight's active 4-day program is for adults of all riding abilities, and includes daily horsemanship clinics with Goodnight, guided mountain trail rides, …
This ruling creates dangerous gaps that leave horses vulnerable and reinforces the urgency of congressional action to close loopholes and shield the broader …
The HPA is a Federal law that prohibits sored horses from participating in shows, exhibitions, sales or auctions and also prohibits the transportation of sored …
The process of the Horse Protection Act's regulation implementation falls short of what the equine industry very much needs and deserves from the USDA-APHIS …
Horse owners have homework to do if they want a quality product and not just expensive urine, so seeing research on the product is the best bet for purchasing a …
Good ideas often come from others, and channeling our own design ideas can always be boosted by discovering all available options …
With a commitment to innovation and a deep understanding of the industry, Premier Equestrian has earned a reputation for delivering high-performance products …