Seize this incredible opportunity to adopt a mustang and highlight its talents on a national stage and with only a few weeks left, now is the perfect time to begin this exciting and rewarding journey!
Eastern tent caterpillars are commonly observed on wild cherry, apple and crabapple trees, although they may also infest hawthorn, maple, peach, pear and plum.
This month’s webinars continue Horses and Humans Research Foundation’s commitment to education, offering valuable insights into equine and human well-being.
Resistance within the equine community to accept that horses are our partners and all interactions between horses and people must be mutually beneficial threatens gains that have been made.
Whether you are transitioning due to a lifestyle change the self-service barn can alleviate a lot of headaches and responsibilities while allowing you to stay on property or rent it out.
While scientists have yet to determine the exact line between acceptable and unacceptable stress, handlers can pay attention to signs that their horses aren't coping well with stress.
Designed to provide horse owners with knowledge and skills for safe transportation of equine companions, the Horse Trailer Safety course is part of Equine Guelph’s commitment to equine welfare.
Most horses can accept and adapt to less movement than nature intended, yet it’s becoming more apparent by health challenges that it’s time to redesign the traditional box stall.
Competent farriers will know when a horse will benefit from shoes and when a horse will be fine or better off without shoes since each horse must be assessed on an individual basis.
it takes hard work, plenty of planning, and adherence to the best management principles available, but the rewards are great for both you and your horse.