Researchers have demonstrated that seasonal changes have a strong influence on pregnancy and fetal development in mares and foals
Researchers have demonstrated that seasonal changes have a strong influence on pregnancy and fetal development in mares and foals.
A large body of research on the negative impact glyphosate has on overall well-being exists, so if your horse has health problems that cannot be resolved, his glyphosate intake may be the culprit.
By understanding the trigger of winter laminitis you can support your horse with simple measures to minimize cold stress and maintain normal blood flow to the feet.
While vaccines for some pathogens are easy to design because there is only one, or few immunologically important protein(s) for protection, other pathogens require a multiple-target or cascade approach.
Several mycotoxins with known hepatotoxic potential were found at case premises, consistent with the hypothesis that forage-associated mycotoxicosis may be a cause of liver disease in horses.
Identifying disease risk factors for events, developing a written biosecurity plan and implementing a few key biosecurity measures can protect equids from quarantine due to an infectious disease agent.
The majority of horses with epiglottic entrapment without epiglottic hypoplasia are able to return to their original level of activity.
Frozen water or eating snow will not accomplish the same level of hydration as plentiful, fresh water.
This course will help participants not only assess their horse’s condition but also create actionable plans tailored to their horse’s specific needs.