This ruling creates dangerous gaps that leave horses vulnerable and reinforces the urgency of congressional action to close loopholes and shield the broader equine industry from the disgrace.
The HPA is a Federal law that prohibits sored horses from participating in shows, exhibitions, sales or auctions and also prohibits the transportation of sored horses to or from any events.
The process of the Horse Protection Act's regulation implementation falls short of what the equine industry very much needs and deserves from the USDA-APHIS.
The broad and versatile roles horses play in American society is why AHC engages in relevant legislation addressing animal welfare, rural concerns, taxes, education, health care, and more.
The new rule defines horse show as a public display of any horses in competition except where speed is the prime factor, rodeo events, parades, or trail rides.
The donkey hide crisis poses a significant threat to global donkey populations and the livelihoods of communities dependent on these animals for transportation, water sustenance, agriculture, and more.
The American people have the opportunity, right now, to tell our representatives that we don’t want this - we don’t want our horses to be slaughtered - we need them to ensure the SAFE Act passes.
Culminating years of advocacy by the AVMA and AAEP to end horse soring, we thank the USDA for recognizing this and look forward to working with them as this new rule is implemented.
The methodology used for the scorecard identifies priority legislation, and assigns points based on a lawmaker’s degree of support for priority bills, among other factors.
With the demand for ejiao products in China decimating the world’s donkey populations, global prices have increased and it has become increasingly difficult for owners to replace their stolen animals.