More horse industry breed and discipline organizations have joined forces with the 2017 Time to Ride Challenge to introduce new horse enthusiasts to riding.
The Challenge will award $100,000 cash and prizes to the stables, clubs, and businesses who can generate the most “newcomer” interactions with horses and then bring them back for a follow up experience. Breed and discipline organizations have partnered with Time to Ride to reward their members for participating in the Challenge.
Twelve American Horse Council-member organizations are offering additional incentives for this year: the Paso Fino Horse Association, the Appaloosa Horse Club, the Arabian Horse Association, the Pinto Horse Association of America, the United States Dressage Federation, the Certified Horsemanship Association, the Carriage Operators of North America, the American Quarter Horse Association, U.S. Equestrian, the American Paint Horse Association, the National Reining Horse Association, and the Mustang Heritage Foundation. Each group will award prizes to the members of their association who do best in the Challenge.
Additional prizes offered range from trophy buckles and year-end ceremony recognition, to up to thousands of dollars in cash and prizes. For example, the Mustang Heritage Foundation will award belt buckles to their top three placing members, and the Arabian Horse Association will award its top placing member $3,500 and its second-highest placing member $1,500.
These awards are available to members of each organization in addition to the $100,000 cash and prizes they can win as participants in the Time to Ride Challenge!
“These organizations’ support in the Challenge means a lot, as it provides yet another reason for Challenge Hosts to work hard throughout the summer. They’ve each taken a great deal of time putting together prizes that are special for the Challenge winners.
For example, a stable could win $2,500 as a second-place finisher in its Phase I division and also win a pair of custom trophy spurs from the National Reining Horse Association as the highest-placing NRHA member in the Challenge,” stated program coordinator Sara Palacios. “It’s exciting to watch the organizations rally around their members for a cause that helps the greater good of the entire equine industry.”
Christy Landwehr, CEO of Certified Horsemanship Association, shared that “Certified Horsemanship Association was thrilled to participate in the Challenge Association Program,” says Christy Landwehr CHA Chief Executive Officer.
“In this way our certified instructors and accredited equine facilities could be a part of the Time to Ride Challenge and win money as well as recognition and prizes from CHA. And best of all we are all helping to grow the equine industry with new people who will be future association members, riders, horse owners, show competitors, etc.”
Since 2014, Challenge participants have introduced almost 100,000 new people to horses through beginner-friendly events. Stables, clubs and businesses are invited to sign up for the 2017 Challenge by visiting
The Challenge begins May 1st. Upon registration a user can specify which organization he/she is a member of to become eligible for the additional prizes. To learn more visit the website or contact
The American Horse Council’s Marketing Alliance
Time to Ride is an initiative of the American Horse Council’s Marketing Alliance, formed to connect people with horses. It is designed to encourage horse-interested consumers to enjoy the benefits of horse activities.
The AHC Marketing Alliance is made up of the following organizations: the American Association of Equine Practitioners, Active Interest Media, the American Quarter Horse Association, Farnam, Merck, Merial, Morris Media Network Equine Group, Purina Animal Nutrition LLC, Platinum Performance, The Right Horse Initiative, US Equestrian, and Zoetis. Program Partners are Absorbine, the American Paint Horse Association, ASPCA, Equibrand, the National Reining Horse Association, Lumina Media, Pyranha, the America’s Mustang Campaign, and Colorado State University Equine Sciences Program.
About the American Horse Council
The American Horse Council is a non-profit organization that includes all segments of the horse industry. While its primary mission is to represent the industry before Congress and the federal regulatory agencies in Washington, DC, it also undertakes national initiatives for the horse industry.
Time to Ride, the AHC’s Marketing Alliance to connect horses and people, is such an effort. The American Horse Council hopes that Time to Ride will encourage people and businesses to participate in the industry, enjoy our horses, and support our equine activities and events. The AHC believes a healthy horse industry contributes to the health of Americans and America in many ways.