Equine Support Center for Fibromyalgia Founded

Newsdate: Wed, 1 Feb 2012 - 06:57 am
Location: ESTACADA, Oregon

“I finally agreed to the diagnosis that my chronic pain and fatigue issues are Fibromyalgia,” horse trainer Missy Wryn admits. “Years and years seeking medical care from neurologists, arthritis specialists, gastroenterologists, orthopedic surgeons, and spine specialists, to the support of psychiatrists, psychologists, naturopathic care, acupuncture, chiropractic, physical therapy, shamanic and spiritual healers, all have been helpful on this journey. 

Support for people with fibromyalgia

Support for people with fibromyalgia

New equine center established to support fibromyalgia sufferers..

I kept the word Fibromyalgia out of my vocabulary for the first 20 years when dealing with medical professionals since there is a stigma that Fibro is not a medical condition. I heard this multiple times from doctor and nurse friends without revealing to them that I am a Fibro sufferer. 

In fact just yesterday (1-30-2012) on my Facebook page a nurse responded to my announcement of the Equine Support Center for Fibromyalgia that 90% of the medical professionals do not believe that Fibromyalgia is a medical condition,” Missy states. 

“The benefits from my Fibromyalgia have been surprising however.  I have my Fibromyalgia to thank for inspiring my Training the Whole Horse® program and videos.  As a Fibro sufferer harshness and force were not sustainable, therefore gentleness led the way revealing horses train faster and safer when taking breaks and applying gentleness. 

Body awareness is another benefit of Fibromyalgia which again has a direct connection communicating with horses. Mindfulness requires the awareness of feelings that directly impact Fibromyalgia symptoms so honing this skill directly relates to working with horses too. Bottom line my Fibromyalgia made me a better horsewoman!” 

“The Equine Support Center for Fibromyalgia was inspired by frustrating experiences I had attending support programs from Yoga to physical therapy. None of the professionals I met leading these program were “Fibromyalgia patients themselves so they pushed beyond capacity, made me hold patterns that I paid for the rest of the day with pain and sometimes it took several days to unwind the pain triggers.  

In addition many of my Fibro horse friends have given up their horses no longer able to ride or even perform the basic duties of feeding and mucking. In light of these issues, support by non-fibro professionals and horse lovers giving up their passion, came the inspiration of bridging the gap with the Equine Support Center for Fibromyalgia (ESCF). 

The ESCF provides support to Fibromyalgia sufferers who love horses, who want to be around horses, all the while recognizing the limitations of movement, time on our feet and our emotional wellbeing. 

The ESCF has group and private sessions that include soft stretching, guided relaxation techniques, journaling using Kim McElroy’s & Linda Kohanov’s Way of the Horse journal for positive invocation, AND most importantly the loving embrace of trusted caring horses who are experienced with the special needs of Fibromyalgia since they have been taking care of me for many many years” Missy smiles. 

To learn more about Missy’s Equine Support Center for Fibromyalgia visit Missy’s website at

http://MissyWryn.com or call 888-406-7689. 

Nationally recognized horse trainer Missy Wryn developed Training the Whole Horse® on the foundation of Do No Harm. Specializing in Iron Free (bitless-spurless) riding for both English and Western riders, Missy teaches safer communication and control while deepening the relationship between horse and rider. Missy Wryn is also the founder of the Equine Support Center for Fibromyalgia, IRON FREE Riding, HorseMAREship, Sisters of the Saddle, DO NO HARM Today, Stop Poisoning Pets, People & the Planet for Profit, Nature’s Balance Care, and creator of the ALL-IN-ONE Rope Halter Bitless Bridle. 

About the Author

Flossie Sellers

Author picture

As an animal lover since childhood, Flossie was delighted when Mark, the CEO and developer of EquiMed asked her to join his team of contributors.

She enrolled in My Horse University at Michigan State and completed a number of courses in everything related to horse health, nutrition, diseases and conditions, medications, hoof and dental care, barn safety, and first aid.

Staying up-to-date on the latest developments in horse care and equine health is now a habit, and she enjoys sharing a wealth of information with horse owners everywhere.
