First Responders Learn How to Rescue Horses and other Large Animals

Newsdate: Wed 28 October 2015 – 07:30am
Location: ELORA, Ontario

"The number one mistake that first responders make when trying to rescue a horse in an emergency situation such as a barn fire, is to expect the horse to know the responder is there to help," says Rebecca Gimenez, president of Georgia-based Technical Large Animal Emergency Rescue.

A practice rescue using a horse mannequin

A practice rescue using a horse mannequin

Equine Guelph's large animal emergency rescue training program teaches techniques to rescue horses and other large farm animals and focuses on bringing knowledgeable horse owners together with firefighters and other rescuers for maximum benefit to the animals being rescued.
© 2015 by Tony MacPherson

"The horse is scared already, and a suited-up firefighter is scary," she says. "The firefighter may think he can put a halter on the horse and walk him out in a fire, but the horse will turn its back and kick because he's scared. You need a different plan."

Gimenez was speaking at a two-day large animal emergency rescue awareness training program organized by Equine Guelph at the Grand River Raceway in Elora, Ont., earlier this month. The raceway allowed a 15-foot-deep pit to be dug on the property so participants could practice different ways of removing a horse mannequin that had "fallen" into the pit. The class was at capacity, with 90 people taking part, most of them firefighters, police officers, veterinarians and horse owners.

Funding for the training came from the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and the Grand River Agricultural Society.

Gimenez says her focus is teaching people rescue techniques with an emphasis on working together. "Fire departments have the equipment, but not the expertise on working with live animals," she says. "Horse people, cattle farmers and veterinarians know the animals, but not how to respond in an emergency or use the equipment. We're trying to close the circle of communication so everyone can work together and save the animals."

The training covered techniques to rescue horses, as well other large farm animals such as cattle and llamas.

The biggest danger to these animals is a barn fire. Gimenez says barn fires kill more animals every year than any other non-medical cause, largely because barns are poorly designed. Many have old or uninspected electrical wiring, only one exit for the animals and no fire suppression system.

The two-day course included hands-on work, including how to use a fire extinguisher, using a bra to blindfold a horse, and exploring the inside of a cattle transport truck, as well as techniques for moving horses out of various situations.

The best way to deal with horses in a barn fire when stalls don't open directly outside is to chase the animals out through a clear aisle into a fenced-off field or ring, says Gimenez.

Equine Guelph director Gayle Ecker says this course is part of a three-year plan to train first responders, veterinarians and others to deal with emergencies involving large animals. "Our focus at Equine Guelph is on horse welfare, and having people better prepared for these situations is definitely part of that," she says.

Article by Teresa Pitman

About the Author

Flossie Sellers

Author picture

As an animal lover since childhood, Flossie was delighted when Mark, the CEO and developer of EquiMed asked her to join his team of contributors.

She enrolled in My Horse University at Michigan State and completed a number of courses in everything related to horse health, nutrition, diseases and conditions, medications, hoof and dental care, barn safety, and first aid.

Staying up-to-date on the latest developments in horse care and equine health is now a habit, and she enjoys sharing a wealth of information with horse owners everywhere.
