Have you ever wished you could talk about your horses diet and really understand why it works, or doesn't? How about feeding your canine companion and all the supplements out there to help support their diet? Maybe you have an ailment and you're wondering whether diet can help or not? Or, do you want to decipher ingredients that are in your supplements?
Happening on Tuesday, November 5, 2013, at 8 pm EST, Biostar EQ's Tigger Montague will be hosting a FREE Ask the Expert Live Q/A session on everything about horse nutrition.
All of these great questions and more will be answered in Biostar EQ's live Ask the Expert webinar.
Happening on Tuesday, November 5th at 8 pm EST, Biostar EQ's Tigger Montague will be hosting a FREE Ask the Expert Live Q&A session on everything to do nutritionally with the horse and feeding your canine companion. Tigger will give an overview of her most commonly asked questions out in the field and answer any questions attendees may have.
Please note that this event is FREE and will not be recorded so we do encourage everyone to attend!
Signup is not mandatory, and all details for the events can be found on Biostar EQ . Questions will be taken during each of the events, but those submitted prior to the event would be most welcome. Please submit questions as well as any other inquiries such to kat@biostareq.com.
Tigger Montague will be leading the discussions. Her background is extensive in nutrition including thirty years in the human and equine supplement industry, and with a focus on Ayurvedic Medicine. A dog owner all her life, she has spent the past three years researching and testing products for the Biostar K9 line, helped along the way by a couple of Australian shepherd dogs
Whole Food Supplements For Health and Performance
Biostar EQ holds the belief that non-synthetically derived ingredients, aka whole food has positive effects on health and wellness. They support the whole food and organic food movement, and strive to bring products to horses and dogs alike.
Biostar EQ uses a unique system that dehydrates their formulas and bars which takes place at low temperatures to maintain nutrient and enzyme levels similar that of to raw food. Providing organic, GMO-free, coal tar derivative-free, petro-chemical free supplements that contain no artificial sweeteners or other synthetic ingredients is why Biostar is the leader of whole food supplementation in the equine industry.