Haygain is proud to announce the contribution of 2.5% of all sales to World Horse Welfare, from Dec. 1 – Dec. 31, 2023. The contributions will come from the sale of Haygain’s Hay Steamers, Forager Slow Feeders, ComfortStall Sealed Orthopedic Flooring and accessories during that period. To sweeten the deal, a free Starter Pack will be included in all hay steamer purchases.

Horse eating from a Haygain steamer.
Headquartered in the U.K., World Horse Welfare is a charity that works to improve the lives of horses and the horse-human partnership in all of its guises.
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“We are excited about this second year of our fundraising campaign for World Horse Welfare,” notes Haygain Ltd CEO Edzo Wisman. “Most recently, we attended the organization’s conference in London, focusing on the critical issue of horses and the environment. That just scratches the surface of the good work World Horse Welfare does for horses throughout the world and in promoting responsible horse-human partnerships in all types of equestrian activities.
“As a company driven by the desire to help horses, Haygain aligns very closely with World Horse Welfare’s important mission,” Wisman concludes. “World Horse Welfare’s work is very close to our heart and we are honored to continue supporting it.”
Abandoned Foal to International Sport
Headquartered in the U.K., World Horse Welfare is a charity that works to improve the lives of horses and the horse-human partnership in all of its guises. Its vision is a world where every horse is treated with respect, compassion and understanding.
Pragmatism and compassion guide the non-profit association’s international work. Its efforts involve horses, owners, communities, organizations, and governments to help improve welfare standards and stamp out equine suffering in the UK and worldwide.
The organization was founded in 1927 by Ada Cole, who was outraged by the export of British horses for slaughter. Since then, World Horse Welfare has taken on a remarkably wide scope of work. Recent endeavors range from helping working equids, and their owners, in Haiti, to helping four severely obese ponies at their Rescue and Rehoming Centre in Aberdeenshire. World Horse Welfare staff has seen the heartbreak of a day-old foal abandoned in a ditch and the joys of helping that foal, Charley, find a loving home after nine months in their care.
Currently, World Horse Welfare leads the global equine industry in promoting the importance of earning the public’s trust for the enjoyment of horses in sport and recreation. Its research and education regarding the equestrian industry’s social license to operate set a high standard.
Helping Horses and People
World Horse Welfare describes its work in this way: “We help horses, and we help people to help horses. We believe that this is the best way to strengthen and improve the horse-human partnership.
“We help all kinds of horses, no matter what role they play in society. We can categorise most of the horses we help as horses in need, sport and leisure horses and work and production horses.
“We work with owners, communities, organization, governments and institutions to identify and share good practice, and improve welfare policies, standards and legislation.
“We use a combination of care, research, education and influence in our work. Our work caring directly for horses helps to inform our research, and we use this evidence to both educate and influence.”
Haygain is proud to help horses every day of the year. Especially in December, when every purchase helps even more horses thanks to World Horse Welfare.
For more on World Horse Welfare, visit www.worldhorsewelfare.org.
For more information on Haygain, visit www.haygain.us
Press release by Kim F Miller