The maiden broadcast of The Horse and Friends Radio Show was successfully launched. It is a bi-monthly show hosted by Conrad Noddin, with Rafael Valle as the co-host. Conrad has vast experience in the music and video production industry and was a member of country music legend Marty Robbins’ band. Rafael is the owner and partner of one of the most popular horses in the equine industry, Ivory Pal, the golden palomino Tennessee Walking Horse stallion.
The guest on the first show was two time Grammy nominated singer/song writer Mary Ann Kennedy, who is also an accomplished horsewoman. Future guests will include trainers, veterinarians, authors, singer/song writers, etc, all who share a common love of horses. The show has a unique format in that it is an audio show, complimented by visuals to enhance the listeners’ experience.
To reach a vast number of listeners and horse lovers, the radio show is launched from various venues, to include You Tube, Ivory Pal’s Face Book page (over 30,000 fans) and the Nashville Newzine website (with over 2 million hits). For advertising opportunities please contact Conrad Noddin at or (615) 538-8030.
You can listen to the maiden broadcast, as well as future broadcasts, of The Horse and Friends Radio Show at: