Horses and Humans Research Foundation Receives Research Grant Challenge

Man on horse benefiting from equine assisted therapy.
Man on horse benefiting from equine assisted therapy. Charles T. Bennett

Newsdate: Tuesday, March 26, 2019, 11:30 am
Location: CHAGRIN FALLS, Ohio

Horses and Humans Research Foundation (HHRF) is excited to share a new Research Grant Challenge. An extraordinary $25,000 challenge generously posed by a recent anonymous HHRF donor requires the collective matching support be raised of an equal $25,000 to unleash the match and thereby result in a new, important HHRF research grant in 2019 at the $50,000 level!

Woman and child benefiting from contact with a horse.

Woman and child benefiting from contact with a horse

Robust, rigorous, and replicable scholarly research is imperative to the field of equine assisted activities and therapy.
© 2003 by Jolante van Hemert

Robust, rigorous, and replicable scholarly research is imperative to the field of equine assisted activities and therapy. Consequently, HHRF’s mission is persisting, in the face of luddites, to raise funding in support of horse-human research. If not now, when? The numerous challenges facing healthcare today demand evidence-based solutions, and demand it today.

Horses and Humans Research Foundation was established over a decade ago and today is proud to continue to be recognized as the leading Foundation committed to supporting research into the horse’s ability to help humans heal and also provide mutual benefits in return. Without continued support, we could not achieve our goal of ensuring that healthcare professionals have access to the most current research findings for integration into the delivery of all state-of-the-art equine-assisted therapies. 

Please consider joining this challenge and make a gift today at to help raise the needed additional $25,000 before March 31 and help unleash the power of research!

Mission: Through sustained investment in rigorous research, HHRF serves as a catalyst to advance global knowledge of horse-human interactions and their impact on health and wellness.

Horses and Humans Research Foundation (HHRF) is dedicated to funding research to investigate the equine-assisted activities and therapies field. Since its founding, HHRF has awarded over $600,000 in professional research efforts led by thirteen research teams in the United States, Canada and Germany. HHRF is a non-endowed foundation dependent solely on donations. To make a donation and/or learn more about this and other Horses and Humans Research Foundation projects visit

Press release provided by Ken Boyden - Horses and Humans Research Foundation

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