Indiana Horse Racing Commission Commences Hair Testing at Indiana Grand

Woman snipping horse hair sample for test.
Woman snipping horse hair sample for test. Indiana Racing Commission

Newsdate: May 29, 2018, 9:40 pm
Location: SHELBYVILLE, Indiana

The Indiana Horse Racing Commission (IHRC) incorporated the use of hair into their testing protocol for the finalists of the upcoming Harley Greene Derby Final, a stakes race for 3-year-old Indiana-sired Quarter Horses with a $75,000 purse. The trials took place on May 19, with the final to be held June 2 at Indiana Grand Race Course and Casino in Shelbyville.

Racing horses' legs.

Racing horses' legs

The Indiana Horse Racing Commission has incorporated a hair testing protocol for the finalists of the upcoming Harley Greene Derby Final for Quarter Horses.
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This testing is to determine if Clenbuterol, a beta agonist (a broncho-dilator that can be used to increase performance and build muscle mass), is present in any equine hair sample. Indiana Horse Racing Commission rules prohibit the use of Clenbuterol on Quarter Horses, specifically stating that the presence of Clenbuterol shall not exceed the limit of detection (LOD) in urine, plasma or hair.

“Horsemen and the Quarter Horse Racing Association of Indiana have been instrumental in instituting this new level of testing,” says IHRC Executive Director Mike Smith.

Any horses testing positive for the drug will face regulatory sanctions, which can include the forfeiture of any purses earned, the horse being places on the stewards’ list and disciplinary actions for the trainer.

“We applaud the Indiana commission for taking this positive step in ensuring we are running a clean program in Indiana,” says Lance Finlinson, owner, breeder and member of the Quarter Horse Breed Development Advisory Committee. “This is a huge step forward for Indiana Quarter Horse Racing.”

About Indiana Breed Horse Development Program

The Quarter Horse Breed Development program was established to promote the Indiana Quarter Horse industry. In 2007, legislation was passed which approved slot machines at Indiana's pari-mutuel racetracks. The Indiana Quarter Horse Breed Development Fund receives 30% of the revenue generated from slot machines that is allocated for Quarter Horse Racing.

For more information, see the Indiana Horse Racing Commission’s website:

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