If you want to learn about improving safety and helping horses overcome many of the challenges they face when finding a new home, the nonprofit Parelli Education Institute is offering a Rehoming for Life course on December 11 and 12, 2014, at Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc. in Morriston, Florida.
The rehoming horse course will focus on natural horsemanship skills, Parelli program knowledge and specialty business learning.
“We take a comprehensive, holistic approach to horse welfare,” explained Tammy Barth, Horse Welfare Coordinator for the Institute. “Attendees will develop and refine their skills in caring for challenging horses, learn how to improve safety for the horses and humans working with them, and increase adoption rates.”
Five* Master Parelli Professional, and Senior Horse Development Specialist, John Baar will lead the course with special guest Linda Parelli teaching an amazing session on Horsenality.
“For those working in the rehoming field, this is a great opportunity to learn new skills and approaches while networking with others in their field,” added Parelli Education Institute Executive Director Lori Northrup. “We want to thank our fellow nonprofit, Beauty’s Haven Farm and Equine Rescue, Inc. for hosting this course. We appreciate the work they do and their willingness to open their doors to others who share their passion for rehoming horses.”
Registration is now underway and scholarships will be awarded to 15 participants. In addition to the class, attendees will receive a Parelli Jump Start Kit, a Parelli Celebration LIVE DVD and other educational resources. For more information or to register for the course:
Visit: www.parelliinstitute.org or contact Tammy Barth at tammy@parelliinstitute.org
About the Parelli Education Institute:
The Parelli Education Institute is an independent, non-profit organization for the natural horsemanship community that focuses on education for those who teach others; for youth horsemanship, therapeutic horsemanship and equine welfare. Based in Scottsdale, Arizona, the Institute has a campus in Pagosa Springs, Colorado and also offers specialty horsemanship education in locations throughout the USA.