In the spirit of promoting the discipline of therapeutic horsemanship and the Morgan breed, the Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship International (PATH Intl.) has partnered with the American Morgan Horse Association as AMHA’s newest discipline colleague.
In the spirit of promoting the discipline of therapeutic horsemanship and the Morgan breed, the Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship International (PATH Intl.) has partnered with the American Morgan Horse Association.
This partnership is mutually beneficial to each organization. PATH Intl. will be recognized as a partner in support of the AMHA Therapy Horse of the Year Award, which is given each February as part of the Annual AMHA Convention.
"As witnessed through the AMHA Therapy Horse of the Year Award, Morgans make excellent companions and partners for therapeutic horsemanship programs," says AMHA Executive Director Julie Broadway. "We hope our new partnership will serve to educate PATH Intl. members and member centers about the virtues of the Morgan. Conversely, we hope Morgan enthusiasts learn more about the benefits of therapeutic horsemanship."
PATH Intl., recipient of the 2013 Equine Industry Vision Award, which was presented by American Horse Publications and sponsored by Zoetis, was formed in 1969 to promote equine-assisted activities and therapies for individuals with special needs. Member centers range from small, one-person programs to large operations with several certified instructors and licensed therapists. In addition to therapeutic riding, a center may offer any number of equine-assisted activities including hippotherapy, equine-facilitated mental health, driving, interactive vaulting, trail riding, competition, ground work or stable management.
PATH Intl. has nearly 850 member centers and more than 7,400 individual members in countries all over the world, who help and support more than 56,000 men, women, and children with special needs each year through a variety of equine-assisted activities and therapies programs.
The Morgan breed has had a long and distinguished history with the U.S. military, and the PATH International Equine Services for Heroes initiative is another avenue for AMHA and Morgans to continue that tradition.
Founded in 1909, the American Morgan Horse Association is a nonprofit organization serving more than 50,000 Morgan horse owners, breeders, exhibitors, and enthusiasts throughout the United States. AMHA serves as a parent organization to more than 90 recognized Morgan horse clubs and national organizations.