Speakers Set for American Horse Council's 2019 Annual Meeting June 9-12

Benefiting horses of every age and every segment of horse industry.
Benefiting horses of every age and every segment of horse industry. Dace Kirspile

Newsdate: Friday, April 12, 2019, 11:30 am

The American Horse Council (AHC) is pleased to announce that speakers for committee meetings and the upcoming National Issues Forum, sponsored by American Regent, have been set. The AHC’s Annual Meeting and National Issues Forum takes place from June 9-12 at the Washington Marriott Georgetown.

Harnessed horses at work.

Harnessed horses at work

The American Horse Council’s Annual Meeting is where every segment of the horse industry gets together to discuss issues of importance to the industry as a whole.
© 2016 by Neil Roy Johnson

“We are very excited with this year’s line-up of noted and exemplary speakers,” said AHC President Julie Broadway. “Additionally, it will be great to engage in a discussion with partners such as 4H and Farm Bureau about ways to collaborate within the agriculture and livestock industry.”

Guest speakers include:

  • Mary Kate Cunningham, CAE - Vice President, Public Policy at ASAE: The Center for Association Leadership. Ms. Cunningham will provide an update regarding the Unrelated Business Income Tax (UBIT) Coalition and Professional Certification Coalition (PCC) and how these are affecting associations.
  • Greg Plotts, CPA - partner in Aronson LLC’s Nonprofit & Association Services Group. Mr. Plotts will provide suggested best practices on internal controls for associations.
  • Remi Bellocq - Executive Director of the North American Riding Academy. Given the growing workforce shortage in the equine industry, Mr. Bellocq will outline a proposed Equine Workforce Initiative (EWI) to create a national apprenticeship program to support the equine industry.
  • Cheryl Orr – Director at STAND Foundation. Ms. Orr will provide an overview of the Foundation’s equestrian experience program, for ages 6-16 years old, designed to teach youth about horseback riding and care for animals.
  • Gina Maiso Smith and Leslie Gomez of Cozen O’Connor P.C. Ms. Maiso Smith and Ms. Gomez will provide insights regarding the Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse and Safe Sport Authorization Act and the implications on organizations that have amateur athletic governing bodies and other amateur sports organizations.
  • Rick Mack- Assoc. of Chief Executives for Sports (ACES). Mr. Mack will share trends in the sports industry and ways the sport sectors can learn from one another.
  • Sports Betting Panel Discussion AHC Director of Policy & Legislative Affairs, Bryan Brendle, will moderate a panel featuring representatives from the Sports Betting Coalition and Bill Knauf, VP Operations at Monmouth Park. The panel will share some insights on the roll out of sports betting and what they see on the horizon.
  • Jennifer Sirangelo - President and CEO National 4H Council. Ms. Sirangelo will focus on youth engagement and ways the equine industry and 4H can partner.
  • Brian Leaders – National Park Service (NPS). Mr. Leaders is a Landscape Architect at NPS with a focus on equestrian trails. He will speak about ways private and public sectors can work together.
  • Jeff Jensen – Olympic & Breeders Cup Horse Trainer. Mr. Jensen will speak on the use of Cannabis and CBD usage in Equines.
  • Immigration and Workforce Development Panel featuring Co-Chairs of the Congressional Horse Caucus - Representative Andy Barr (KY) and Congressman Paul Tonko (NY). AHC has also invited House Agriculture Committee Chair, Colin Peterson (MN) to share perspectives with AHC members.  This panel will discuss the workforce challenges facing the equine industry.
  • Zippy Duvall – CEO & President Farm Bureau. Mr. Duvall will speak to ways the equine industry and Farm Bureau can collaborate.

Sponsorships are also now available for the AHC’s Annual Meeting. The American Horse Council’s Annual Meeting is the only meeting where every segment of the industry gets together to discuss issues of importance to not only their respective fields, but to the industry as a whole. As such, your sponsorship dollars will be ensuring you receive outreach to every segment of the industry. Please visit the www.horsecouncil.org for more information about the sponsorships available or contact Emily Brockway at ebrockway@horsecouncil.org.

For information about the Annual Meeting and National Issues Forum, please visit the on the AHC website. Register today!

Press release by the American Horse Council

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