Parelli Natural Horsemanship is proud to announce that the Future of HorseManShip Tour will be traveling to Conroe, TX on May 17-18, 2014!
The Future of HorseManShip reflects the ultimate goal of everyone in the horse industry coming together for the mental, emotional and physical well-being of the horse and greater partnerships between horse and rider.
The Future of HorseManShip is about how much more we can do with our horses. Typically, people seek the help of natural horsemanship to solve problems with their horses; they are at the mercy of these challenges. Pat and Linda Parelli have developed a program that, if followed, can eliminate difficulties and allow individuals to focus on progressing with their horses in both recreational and competitive riding.
The event will take place over the course of a weekend, with each day dedicated to different aspects of horsemanship. Saturday will feature problem-solving, safety on the ground and in the saddle, the secret to a balanced seat, and an in-depth analysis of horse profiling. Sunday will focus on performance horses, creating a calm, confident, motivated and willing horse, behavior-based training, and eliminating unpredictability in the arena and on the trail.
Pat Parelli comments on how these elements in performance training can apply to all aspects of horsemanship, especially on the trail. “At Parelli, we stress the importance of never-ending self-improvement; along with that comes being open to learning and adjusting your outlook. Over the years, I’ve certainly come to understand how skills translate across disciplines. The more I’ve learned about performance horses — jumping, dressage, racing, reining, cow horses — and what they do, the more I’ve realized how the skills they use in an arena also apply on the trail.”
At the end of the day, Parelli’s main goal is to elevate the level of horsemanship worldwide. The Future of HorseManShip incorporates all of the essential components to excelling with your horse, whether you are a recreational rider or a competitive rider. Pat and Linda’s revolutionary embracement of horse profiling helps riders of all levels to understand what their horses need for optimum mental, emotional and physical performance. By taking the time to spend a weekend learning from Pat and Linda, attendees are guaranteed an improved relationship with their horses.
Keep up with the latest on The Future of HorseManShip and Parelli Natural Horsemanship
About Parelli
The Parelli method combines in-depth equine psychology and common sense communication techniques in a proven recipe for horse and rider success. It allows horse owners at all levels of experience (from trail rider to Olympic-level dressage rider) to achieve success without force, partnership without dominance, and harmony without coercion. The wider goal is to help create a better world for horses and the people who love them.