Newsdate: Thu, 11 July 2013 - 7:21 am
Location: CROSS PLAINS, Wisconsin
The Whip is the official print publication of the American Driving Society (ADS), the United States Equestrian Federation’s official Carriage Driving affiliate.
The American Driving Society represents carriage drivers in the United States and Canada with over 3,000 members and 90 ADS recognized competitions held across North America each year.
The Whip is a magazine-style publication that circulates to every ADS member and is produced four times per year – February, May, August and November. The Whip has a circulation of 3,000 involved in all facets of competitive and recreational driving.
“Drivers tend to be very hands-on equine owners – involved in all facets of their animal’s care and management. Many are also equine property owners. Nutrition, animal health, driving equipment, building and machinery organizations are well received by Whip readers,” says Susie Koos-Acker, ADS Executive Director.
ADS offers retail, events, driving destinations, auctions, insurance and real estate advertisers an opportunity to reach the carriage driving industry in The Whip and its other affiliated publications. While the Whip is not available completely online, there are excerpts on the ADS website along with other advertising options.
About The Whip and the American Driving Society:
Established in 1974, the American Driving Society Inc. represents carriage drivers in the United States and Canada. There are over 3,000 members and 90 ADS recognized competitions held across North America each year.
For information about advertising in The Whip, contact Maria McGinnis, Marketing Coordinator, at or 608-237-7382. Demographic information about members as well as rate and deadline information is available online.