Time To Ride Announces 2018 Challenge to Attract New Horse Enthusiasts

Time To Ride those horses!
Time To Ride those horses! JDJ150

Newsdate: May 17, 2018, 10:30 pm
Location: PITTSFORD, New York

Time To Ride® is pleased to announce that the popular Time To Ride Challenge is on for 2018!  The purpose of the Challenge is to support individual equine businesses and organizations in attracting newcomers to horses by hosting an event at their facility.

Making friends with horses.

Making friends with horses

The Time To Ride approach gives barn owners an opportunity to introduce non-horsey people to the beauty and benefits horses bring to our lives.
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This grassroots approach gives barn owners the opportunity to grow their business by introducing non-horsey people to the beauty and benefits horses bring to our lives, while simultaneously growing the horse industry overall.

Each Time To Ride participating barn and organization (host) is provided with direct marketing support to promote a one-day event for newcomers.  The support includes marketing materials that the host barn can use locally, and suggestions for holding a successful event.  New this year, Time to Ride will implement and pay for a personalized digital marketing campaign specific to the host’s event and location for the first 100 barns that register to hold Challenge events, investing $500 in each campaign.

Time To Ride will once again award cash and other prizes to participating barns who introduce the most newcomers to horses. There will be two phases to the Challenge again this year: Phase 1 – Acquisition; and Phase 2 – Activation; with prizes awarded for both phases.  During Phase 1, host barns hold one-day events for newcomers.  For Phase 2, hosts invite participants from the Phase 1 to return for a more in-depth horse experience, such as a riding lesson.

Host enrollment for the 2018 Time To Ride Challenge opened May 15.  The Phase 1 dates are June 1 – November 15, and the Phase 2 dates are June 15 – December 15.  The dates for both phases have been extended to take advantage of the opportunity to work with Scouts, faith-based and other groups that typically have a hiatus during the summer months, as well as accommodate the hotter climates in the southern tier of the country.

For more information, please visit TimeToRide.com, email info@timetoride.com, or call 512-591-7811.

About Time To Ride

Time To Ride is managed and funded by the American Horse Council Marketing Alliance.  The Marketing Alliance was founded by a consortium of equine-related corporations and organizations to encourage and support the growth of the U.S. horse industry. Current members of the Marketing Alliance include: Active Interest Media, American Association of Equine Practitioners, American Horse Council, Boehringer Ingelheim, Farnam, Merck, Morris Media Network, The Right Horse Partnership, Platinum Performance, Purina, US Equestrian, and Zoetis.  Additional support is provided by Absorbine, American Paint Horse Association, American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Colorado State University, Equibrand, Horse Illustrated and Young Rider, and National Reining Horse Association.

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EquiMed Staff

EquiMed staff writers team up to provide articles that require periodic updates based on evolving methods of equine healthcare. Compendia articles, core healthcare topics and more are written and updated as a group effort. Our review process includes an important veterinarian review, helping to assure the content is consistent with the latest understanding from a medical professional.
