An on-going controversy about who should be allowed to perform horse dentistry including the all-important floating of equine teeth continues throughout the United States, with various groups jumping in on each side of the controversy. Should it be done by the people who have always done it or should it be done by the people who have veterinarian degrees?
Various state veterinary associations assert that only those with a DVM degree should be allowed to float teeth and perform other dentistry work on horses.
Then the question arises, is everyone with a DVM degree qualified to float a horse's teeth. What if the course work was related more to small animals or to bovines? Are they, indeed, better qualified?
On the other hand, state legislative bodies and courts have recently upheld the right of non-veterinarians to float horse's teeth. Many non-veterinarians have been floating horse's teeth for years and have taken courses related to the work they do without ever getting a medical degree.
The bottom line: Horse owners should determine for themselves who is qualified to care for their horses. Experience and knowledge will help solve the controversy and what is best in any given situation will vary from case to case.