Unique Mustang-Only Division Coming to EXCA 2018 World Championship

Mustang ready for action.
Mustang ready for action. Jitze Couperus

Newsdate: Wed April 11, 2018, 10:00 am
Location: GEORGETOWN, Texas

The Mustang Heritage Foundation (MHF) and the Extreme Cowboy Association (EXCA) have created a new and unique mustang only division at the EXCA 2018 World Championship in Glen Rose, Texas, November 9-11, called the Extreme Mustang Race. The Extreme Mustang Race will challenge mustang competitors and their horses to maneuver through a series of obstacles against the clock, demonstrating both horsemanship and speed. The Top Ten competitors will take home a purse of $10,000.

Mustangs in the wild.

Mustangs in the wild

25 contestants will gentle and train mustangs in preparation for obstacle race where 10 competitors will take home $10,000.
© 2017 by Kersti Nebelsiek New window.

To be eligible to enter, individuals must locate and successfully adopt or purchase a wild mustang from the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) corrals or adoption/purchase events between July 1 - July 31, 2018. Upon successful entry, only 25 contestants will gentle and train their mustangs for approximately 100 days in preparation for competition in November. The Extreme Mustang Race is limited to 25 entries on a first come first served basis.

To enter, complete and submit the Statement of Interest Form, adopt or purchase a BLM mustang between July 1 - July 31, 2018, enter your newly adopted or purchased BLM mustang into the competition by August 31, 2018, and compete at the Extreme Mustang Race in November for a chance to win $10,000. Statement of Interest and rules can be found online at extrememustangrace.com.

“We have worked with Craig Cameron and the EXCA team for many years,” said Kali Sublett, MHF Executive Director. “We are excited to offer this competition as a unique opportunity to get involved in the experience of mustang ownership.”

Currently, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) estimates nearly 70,000 wild horses roam on BLM-managed rangelands in 10 western states, mostly in Nevada, Wyoming and California. As their populations grow, events like the Extreme Mustang Race encourage public education and adoption of these remarkable animals.

“I am so excited to announce our new partnership with the Mustang Heritage Foundation,” said Craig Cameron with the Extreme Cowboy Association. “We feel very privileged here at EXCA to add this mustang class to the already incredibly exciting world finals of the Extreme Cowboy Association. To all competitors of Extreme Cowboy Association and our friends at the Mustang Heritage Foundation, keep riding like a champion and we will see you in November!”

For more information about the Extreme Mustang Race visit extrememustangrace.com. The full schedule of the EXCA World Championship, including hotel information and event tickets, can be found online at https://extremecowboyassociation.com/world-program-2018.htm.

About the Mustang Heritage Foundation

The mission of the Mustang Heritage Foundation is to create and promote programs and activities that provide information and education about wild horses, elevate their image and desirability, provide opportunities to become involved in the wild horse experience and secure adequate numbers of caring homes for excess horses. Working in partnership with the Bureau of Land Management, the Mustang Heritage Foundation is passionate about the successful placement of mustangs into private care so future generations can enjoy this distinctive feature of our American heritage. The Mustang Heritage Foundation has placed over 9,800 mustangs into private care since 2007.

About the Extreme Cowboy Association

The Extreme Cowboy Association (EXCA) is the original and only recognized association for the sport of Extreme Cowboy Racing. The Extreme Cowboy Race was originated by the first “Original Cowboy,” Craig Cameron. Craig has achieved national recognition and prominence as a true cowboy and is known as the “Cowboy’s Clinician,” being one of the finest horsemen in the United States.

The EXCA has been specifically designed to invite riders of all levels to participate and enjoy the Extreme Cowboy Challenge. The EXCA has developed the official competitive structure for all EXCA members in regions across the United States, Canada and Europe. Each region will offer local and Regional Championship competitions that lead to the EXCA World Championship competition.

About the Bureau of Land Management

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) removes wild horses and burros from public lands to ensure a healthy balance of land and animals. Since 1971, the BLM has placed more than 235,000 wild horses and burros into good homes nationwide. Partnerships, like the Mustang Heritage Foundation, provide the BLM with additional opportunities to place animals into good homes. Interested applicants can attend BLM offsite adoption/sales event, visit a BLM Off-Range Corral, or participate in an Internet adoption/sales event to apply to take a wild horse or burro home! To learn more about the Wild Horse and Burro Program, please call 866-468-7826 or visit www.BLM.GOV/whb

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