With the winter blahs almost gone and preparations are being made for the riding season, USRider has some tips regarding your battery,” says Bill Riss, General Manager of USRider, the national provider of roadside emergency assistance.

Horse cribbing on fence
If the battery in your horse transport is more than five years old, you are living on borrowed time.
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While USRider and other motor plans are available to assist motorists when their batteries fail, USRider provides some suggestions to avoid the inconvenience of a dead battery.
If your battery is more than five years old, you are living on borrowed time. While some batteries have a 96-month (or eight-year) warranty, most batteries are warranted for 36 or 60 months.
The first sign of a weak battery is the time to take action or you could find yourself stranded, or inconvenienced at best. If your battery is weak and is within its warranty period, return to the retailer you purchased the battery from, or a dealer, for possible replacement, or pro-rated reimbursement.
Additionally, it is important that your battery is properly installed and maintained to ensure top performance. Battery posts and cables should be clean and free of corrosion. When installing a new battery insist that the installer uses dielectric grease to ensure good continuity. Worn battery cables should be replaced, as they will prevent the battery from charging and discharging properly.
It is also important that you purchase a battery that is properly rated for your vehicle, and purchase a high-quality battery from a reputable manufacturer.
While many newer batteries are maintenance-free, or sealed, now would be a good time to check the electrolyte fluid levels on low-maintenance batteries that have removable vent caps. If your battery can be refilled, remove all of the six vent caps and check the electrolyte levels. You will see an indicator line on the side of the cells be sure to check each one individually, and do not overfill. When filling, use distilled water and be sure to pour slowly, and use safety glasses. When finished wipe off the top of the battery and make sure the posts are clean and free of corrosion.
Maintenance-free batteries will usually have a built-in eye to check the charge status. If the eye is green, the battery is properly charged; if it is black, it is discharged.
If you are uncertain about any of these procedures, consult a trusted ASE-certified mechanic to perform a load test to check the condition of the battery.
USRider provides roadside assistance and towing services along with other travel-related benefits to its members through the Equestrian Motor Plan. It includes standard features such as flat-tire repair, battery assistance, lockout services, and towing, as well as roadside repairs for tow vehicles and trailers with horses, emergency stabling, veterinary referrals and more.
For more information, visit www.usrider.org online or call (800) 844-1409. For additional safety and travel tips, visit the Equine Travel Safety Area on the USRider website.
About the Equine Network
The Equine Network provides, creates, and distributes relevant content and services to passionate horse enthusiasts while connecting them to each other and the marketplace. The Equine Network is the publisher of award-winning magazines: Horse & Rider, EQUUS, Dressage Today, Practical Horseman, The Team Roping Journal, EquiManagement, Stable Management and In Stride. The Equine Network also publishes a proprietary line of books and DVDs for sale through its store, EquineNetworkStore.com. The Equine Network provides emergency roadside assistance through USRider Equestrian Motor Plan, and is home to several websites including: EquiSearch.com, Equine.com, DressageTrainingOnline.com and AHomeForEveryHorse.com.