EQUITANA USA, the premier horse industry event, welcomes all riding levels, disciplines, and breeds, as well as enthusiasts of all ages to come together to celebrate the horse.
The award of over $631,000 in grants, includes awards to individual riders in need, scholastic riding programs, pony clubs, equestrian camp programs and equine charities through The Rider's Closet program.
Members of the Foundation's Equine Scientific Advisory Board are volunteer experts in their fields who help direct fair and unbiased funding decisions to advance horse health globally.
There's an immediate cure for what plagues the Tennessee walking horse industry - authentic reform that does away with industry self-policing and the use of painful devices associated with soring.
Trails Are Common Ground, which elevates the importance of respectful, inclusive, safe, and enjoyable experiences on horse trails.
Decision-makers such as entrepreneurs and business owners, equine health providers and policy makers utilize this data to make well-informed decisions on issues facing the industry.
Coming on the heels of the COVID-19 pandemic, the survey can serve as an important benchmark in the health of the equine industry now and in the future.
We don't mean to brag - but during the pandemic we've stepped up in a BIG way to make certain the equine industry's needs are heard and met.
Monty Roberts' effective techniques of gentling and starting unbacked horses from The Right Horse adoption partners and working through remedial issues with others will be focus of training.
The study is testing a simple questionnaire to see if it can reliably help horse owners recognize and monitor signs of chronic osteoarthritis pain in their horses, leading to earlier intervention.