Commonly overlooked aspects of spring-clean actions at the barn exist, and for your horses’ safety it is best to take charge of these now.
Research shows animal size can get bigger or smaller over long periods depending on the habitat or environment.
After learning a little about the horses, students spend time grooming, petting and feeding them and then they lead their horse through different maneuvers.
Offering rough board, partial board, barter board are all on the table when it comes to making a little extra money and keeping the horse barn ticking along.
NO BORED HORSES is for every desperate equestrian whose horse is going stir-crazy, and for the owner of the horse with behavioral problems that she just can't seem to fix.
Horse barns pose an inherent fire risk and it is essential to adhere to the town building codes to ensure any multi-use building is safe for its occupants to share.
The horse owning public and veterinarians can no longer expect or dispense antimicrobials without evidence that an infection is caused by organisms that are confirmed sensitive to a specific antimicrobial treatment.
Young people take to course to learn to speak horse and in doing so, raise their awareness of safety around horses.
The annual event is designed to educate and inform horse owners and equine industry professionals about horse health issues ranging from basic preventative healthcare to the latest medical advancements.
Sharing your life with a horse can be a rewarding experience, but it includes the responsibility of caring for your equine companion for life.