Randy Savvy aspires to leave a lasting positive impact on the world through art, business, and philanthropy, through working with horses to pave the way for future generations.
Dr. Diego Gomez is now in the midst of three important studies - two involving fluid therapies for foals and one for colitis in horses.
By taking a few minutes to think through situations that might alarm your horse and cause him to spook, you can have peace of mind while enjoying Halloween festivities.
For advice on caring for barn cats, we turned to Oklahoma State University's Assistant Clinical Professor with the College of Veterinary Medicine, Dr. Sarah Peakheart.
Cavallo offered support as the rescuers learned how to use boots for medical aids and support during the rescues since the boots can be used to help with many injuries and care needs.
Deciphering equine feed tags and supplement labels can feel like an exercise in futility if you don't have a master's degree in equine nutrition.
The importance of proper saddle fit and regular fittings, at least every six months, cannot be overstated for the comfort of the horse and its optimal development of balanced muscle.
Special attention to help mitigate the risk of ulcers, bad behavior and bad habits developing in the horse that is confined to a stable for lengthy periods of time is a MUST.
The awards that 'Cowboys' will receive are: Best Documentary Feature of EIFF 2021, tied with 'Unreined' and a Special Award, for Highlighting & Honoring Equine and Human Traditions of the American West.
Safe Landings offers resources for horse owners unable to retain ownership of their horses with viable options other than sending horses to auction where they may be purchased and sent to slaughter.