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Making extra cash by adapting a horse property to incorporate whatever individual regenerative agricultural practices the owner prefers is a great way to diversify the business model.
Not only does mud encourage bacterial and fungal infections, like thrush, but the poor footing can also put stress on joints, muscles, ligaments and tendons.
A prolonged working/active life may not only be desired by owners but is also likely to provide health and welfare benefits to the horse.
Today, horses continue to boost morale and courage by helping veterans and their families recover from the traumas of war, and overcoming a fear of horses can be an important step on the road to recovery.
From live horse demonstrations and autograph sessions to horse and human special guests, Against All Odds promises memory-making moments for a lifetime.
You don’t have to do a deep dive into construction processes to buy a barn but it can be rewarding to garner a good understanding of the basics involved.
A long haul with your equine friend can lead to rewarding and fun adventures – but don’t forget that his health comes first.
Information from all our sources shows Strep. equi spp. equi (Strangles) as the most frequently and consistently diagnosed equine pathogen for the first quarter of 2024.
The challenge of selecting the best joint support does involve investing a bit of time to understand the roles of these top five ingredients.