If your horse is sick with the flu, take biosafety precautions such as washing hands and clothes or equipment that came in contact with that horse, as soap will kill influenza viruses.
Although cooler fall weather has arrived in many areas, horses throughout the USA continue to be stricken with serious infectious diseases.
Osteochondrosis is a manifestation of developmental orthopedic disease widely recognized in young horses across many breeds
Make sure your senior horse is in the best shape possible and has additional physical and nutritional support to get him through the winter.
With one of the best veterinary medicine programs in the world, Michigan State University, through their Extension program, makes up-to-date information and programs available to horse owners nationwide
Changes in diet and stabling often occur at the same time as changes in weather and activity levels and these changes can impact your horse's risk of colic.
A study conducted by Blue Cross and the British Equine Veterinary Association (BEVA) revealed the top disease trends of lameness and skin disease in horses remain consistent with previous years.
Why not add the real thing? Fruit tastes a lot better and is chock full of antioxidants and other valuable nutrients that can have a powerful impact on your horse’s health.
Because every horse is unique, horse owners are encouraged to work with their veterinarian to perform an annual fecal egg count test to determine their horse’s parasite levels and efficacy of treatment.
During exercise when horses begin to breathe hard, the soft tissues overlying the nasal passages are sucked in causing resistance to airflow into the lungs resulting in negative pressures within the lungs.