It’s not just the amount of calories, but the right calories, and feeding your horse wisely, that will promote weight gain and condition.
A recently published study funded by Morris Animal Foundation shows that colic surgery results in overwhelmingly positive outcomes for both horses and owners.
The key is to yield when the horse yields, soften when the horse softens, and for the horse to release tension when we are under the bracing response.
Horse owners that can effectively manage grazing will get a good return on pasture improvement costs and more total forage production for the growing season.
Springtime brings wet-dry cycles that create problems with horse's hoofs leading to brittle or cracked hooves, infiltration of bacteria that causes thrush and abscesses
"Thanks to the Equine Disease Communication Center, horse owners in the USA have access to timely information about outbreaks of infectious diseases such as equine herpes virus and strangles.â
"Variable factors in hay include type and strain of hay, soil type, geographical location, rainfall, organic matter in the soil, stage of growth, type and amount of fertilizer, or soil treatments such as liming.â
"Underweight is not a normal state for any horse. Rule out health problems, and then feed a nutritious diet while paying attention to the hindgut microbial health, providing non-inflammatory fats, and offering quality forage at all times.â
"With winter weather bringing hard frozen ground, snow drifts and colder temperatures, sticking to hoof care schedules is difficult for horse owners and farriers, but regular hoof care is important.â
"Fruits and vegetables such as apples and carrots make healthy holiday treats for horses along with cookie and muffin treats made using natural grains and molasses.â