âThe Wayne County Public Health Department received notice of a positive report for Eastern equine encephalitis in a horse in the town of Galen in Wayne County, according to the New York State Department of Health Arbovirus Laboratory.â
âColic is simply a general term meaning abdominal pain and by limiting the proven risk factors as much as possible can go a long way toward keeping a horseâs GI tract operating smoothly.â
âGetting statistics for mosquito-borne diseases in horses is difficult, and state officials say they expect up to four unreported cases for each confirmed case of West Nile virus and Eastern Equine Encephalomyelitis, making the actual impact larger than
âThanks to improvements in surgery techniques, suture materials, and anti-inflammatory medications, horses are recovering from colic surgery better than ever before.â
âThe principal damage caused by the bot is to the stomach lining of the horse and in extreme cases, bots can cause a stomach rupture or fatal colic if they block the stomach valve to the small intestine.â
âAccording to the AAEP, West Nile virus is the leading cause of arbovirus encephalitis in horses and humans in the United States, with horses representing 96.9% of all reported non-human mammalian cases of West Nile Virus disease.â
âIt has been demonstrated that 80% of the pasture contamination by strongyle eggs is from the 20% of the horse herd that are high shedders while the 80% of the horses that are found to be low shedders account of only 20% of the contamination.â
âThe National Park Service has been managing horses on AssateagueIsland for more than 20 years using the PZP fertility control vaccine and the PZP has also helped reduce negative impacts on the park's natural habitat and other native species.â
âEquine Guelph's Spread the Word Not the Germs - Infection Control on Horse Properties through best practices in biosecurity is now available to horse owners everywhere.â
âA 2-year-old Gloucester County filly is the first reported case in 2015 of Eastern Equine Encephalitis in New Jersey.â