The researchers sought to find out if these tight nosebands were doing physical harm or otherwise compromising equine welfare.
In addition to the free vaccination, Racing Queensland has also released a fact sheet for the subsidized Hendra virus vaccination program for all registered thoroughbred and standardbred horses.
It is not uncommon for some horses in a pasture to be more effected than others by slaframine found on clover, since horses vary in their preference for clover and sensitivity to the toxin.
Veterinarians in Australia are rallying around the call for vaccinations for all horses against the life-threatening Hendra virus.
According to government reports, 53 cases of Eastern equine encephalitis and 17 cases of West Nile virus have been reported in horses in 2013 with more expected this year.
Three horses in the Micanopy area of northwestern Marion County, Florida, recently tested positive for the eastern equine encephalitis virus.
Researchers of the Free University of Amsterdam and Utrecht University in the Netherlands have now identified gluten sensitivity as a potential cause of equine chronic inflammatory small bowel disease in sport horses.
Horses have a low birth rate with many pregnancies failing within the first few weeks after conception and new research may have found the reason.
Laminil is the only injectable drug designed to halt the laminitis cascade and the inflammatory response in horses that is currently going through the FDA regulatory process.
Horse owners can sign up for the Equine Guelph Colic Workshop to learn how to assess colic risk and learn management strategies to prevent colic.