Tiludronate helps manage lameness by decreasing bone resorption and inflammation and also inhibits enzymes that break down cartilage in an osteoarthritic joint.
Research has shown that bran does not have a laxative effect in horses and studies have found that adding wheat bran to the diet did not soften the stools of horses.
Treating horses with injuries by injection of stem cell fluid is superior to treating them with intact stem cell injections because the factors from the stem cell fluid persist in the horse's body for a longer time.
The AAEP's 2013 series of summer continuing education meetings will impart the latest trends and best practices in the diagnosis and treatment of core areas of equine health.
A major concern regarding the growing problem of anthelmintic resistance in horses and other animals is the lack of control in distribution and usage leading over use and poor planning for parasite control.
Botulism is characterized by neuromuscular blockade in which toxins block the communication between nerves and muscles and a flaccid paralysis that making it impossible for the horse to move.
Researchers looked at the influence of synovial fluid culture on prognosis of septic synovitis in horses to see if horses with a positive bacterial culture from septic synovial fluid would be less likely to survive or return to successful athletic functi
Few controlled trials have tested dietary supplements or feed additives but researchers are showing interest in magnesim and cinnamon for treatment and prevention of laminitis in horses.
 Appropriate vaccinations are the most cost-effective weapon against common infectious diseases of the horse and can help fight: tetanus, encephalomyelitis, rabies, West Nile virus, rhinopneumonitis, influenza, strangles, botulism, shaker foal syndrome,