Equine rhinitis A virus (ERAV) infection of horses occurs worldwide and is recognized as a cause of acute respiratory disease with symptoms such as fever, nasal discharge, coughing and pharyngitis. These symptoms are very similar to those of the common co
Agriculture officials in Arkansas and Louisiana have warned veterinarians to watch for signs of a potentially fatal horse disease, pigeon fever, because of drought conditions this year. Although the disease has nothing to do with pigeons, it is often
The Frank Duncombe laboratory is calling all units! A large-scale three-year European project, benefiting in particular from ERDF funding is currently underway to research equine respiratory viruses and their effects on performance.
West Nile virus is on the rise nationwide with more than 1,100 human cases reported as of Aug. 22, the highest at this point in the season since the virus was first detected in the United States in 1999. The U.S. Department of Agricultureâs Animal and P
Any disease or infection that is naturally transmissible from vertebrate animals to humans and [no-glossary]vice-versa is classified as a zoonosis or zoonotic disease according to the Pan American Health Organization publication "Zoonoses and communicable
The State of New Jersey Department of Agriculture has announced the quarantine of two farms after tests confirmed a horse from a Gladstone farm contracted the neurologic form of Equine Herpes Virus, Type One (EHV-1). That horse is recovering and receiving
With more cases of Eastern equine encephalitis being reported throughout the United States, both veterinarians and doctors are warning the public about this zoonotic virus that affects both horses and humans.
Equine protozoal myeloencephalitis (EPM)Â is a progressive and potentially fatal infection of the central nervous system that most often occurs in the summer and fall seasons. It is caused by a single-celled protozoal microorganism, most commonly S.
A second horse has tested positive for the Hendra virus, according to authorities in Queensland. Â Although the area is not considered prone to the deadly Hendra virus, this is the second case occurring in north Queensland near the city of Mackay where a
This 2nd International Symposium on Neglected Influenza Viruses will take place in Dublin, Ireland, on March 7-8, 2013.