Inflammatory airway disease and recurrent airway obstruction are common equine respiratory conditions caused by environmental irritants.
More than 50 trainers and veterinarians have been contacted by the BHA so they can make an informed assessment of the risk of the spread of equine influenza.
SmartPak announces second annual Horse Health Challenge.
As your horse starts to show signs of aging, the diet you've been feeding may now be obsolete and in need of an adjustment . .
Just-released 3-year study cites steamed hay as critical to preventing Inflammatory Airway Disease, a stealth equine ailment that affects over 80% of horses.
Every pregnancy loss raises questions concerning our ability to have prevented that loss and whether we could have done more.
The discomfort and health threats from ticks, lice, mites, and biting flies continue to affect horses in cold weather.
Several therapeutic options are currently available to clinicians for the treatment of biofilm-associated equine bacterial endometritis in mares.
International Collating Centre, Newmarket, United Kingdom, and other sources have reported the equine disease outbreaks that occurred during 3rd quarter of 2018.
Horses are inherently well equipped to handle practically anything that winter can dish out as long as they have a way to get out of the wind.