"Some of our senior horses cost more to maintain than their younger peers."
Colic problems arise when spring grasses are 3 to 4 inches tall before the horse is turned out and he consumes too much, causing a digestive upset.
Information about disease outbreaks improves horse welfare and helps prevent negative economic impact resulting from decreased horse use.
Texas veterinarian showcases real-life equine rabies fatality and case learnings.
Two out of three performance horses have stomach ulcers, and those with ulcers have a shorter stride length than those without.
A horse’s history and his current environment, can influence behavior, so removing stressors from your horse’s life may be the best calming agent of all.
Dr. Lyman also discussed the benefits of vaccinating horses against equine botulism, stressing the importance of protecting all horses.
A horse’s history and his current environment, can influence behavior, so removing stressors from your horse’s life may be the best calming agent of all.
Veterinarians and health officials are warning about a possible increase in cases of Lyme disease in horses and humans this year because of the spread of ticks into formerly tick-free areas.
In young horses, tapeworm infections can cause a potentially life-threatening condition known as intussusception, which is the telescoping of the intestine into itself.