Calming Pellets Win Good Horsekeeping Challenge

Newsdate: Thu, 13 June 2013 - 7:45 am
Location: PAW PAW, Michigan

Kauffman’s Calming pellets, manufactured by Kauffman’s Animal Health, is the winner of Good Horsekeeping’s Calmer Challenge according to Laurie Cerny, publisher of Good-horsekeeping

Testing horse products for effectiveness

Testing horse products for effectiveness

Kauffman's Calming Pellets were tested on a 7-year-old Quarter Horse gelding that Cerny describes as high-strung and obsessive.

Six calming products were tested for the challenge.

The calmers were tested on a 7-year-old Quarter Horse gelding that Cerny describes as high-strung and obsessive. 

“I have used many calming products on this horse over the years and have found the ones with B1 and Magnesium to be the most effective.  Kauffman’s has both, as well as Inositol,” Cerny said.

Research has shown that a lack of magnesium in a horse’s diet can affect neuromuscular function resulting in increased hyperactivity.

“Within three days of using the product he was still somewhat obsessive, but able to focus better and when he became distracted by something during a workout, was able to re-focus more quickly than when not on the pellets, “Cerny said.  “I particularly like that these pellets are made in a facility that is certified in the American Feed Industry Association’s Safe Feed/Certification Program.”

Cerny added, “Regardless of their effectiveness, calming products should never be used as a replacement for the proper management and training of a high-strung, nervous horse, or in cases where a more experienced rider may be the best thing for the animal.”

Spalding Fly Predators, Flex ‘n Fork, Ready To Roll Leave In Conditioner, and   Sore-No-More Cooling Clay Poultice also received the Good Horsekeeping Product Approval.  The products are now featured on the Product Approval pages of the website.

Equine product manufacturers can have their products tested and featured on the Good Horsekeeping Product Approval page Products are tested for 30 days before being featured.

Horse related books and training DVDs are also reviewed for the website.

Products for testing and books or DVDs for review can also be sent to Good Horsekeeping c/o One Horse Press @70883 39th Street, Paw Paw, MI  49079.  Please include product manufacturer name, address, phone number, and email and website address.  Sizes available and suggested retail price, as well as a product description and ingredients (for supplements and treats) should be included.  A product review information sheet can be downloaded from the Product Approval page of the website, a book/DVD review sheet is also available online.

For more information call (269) 657-3842, or email

About the Author

Flossie Sellers

Author picture

As an animal lover since childhood, Flossie was delighted when Mark, the CEO and developer of EquiMed asked her to join his team of contributors.

She enrolled in My Horse University at Michigan State and completed a number of courses in everything related to horse health, nutrition, diseases and conditions, medications, hoof and dental care, barn safety, and first aid.

Staying up-to-date on the latest developments in horse care and equine health is now a habit, and she enjoys sharing a wealth of information with horse owners everywhere.
