Designer Microbes Allow Health Management Options for Horses

Newsdate: Tue 29 October 2013 – 7:03 am
Location: ARDMORE, Oklahoma

Equine athletes are stunning in their power and beauty with their images constantly linked in advertising, literature, and legends depicting strength, grace, and freedom. Yet human handlers and companions of these amazing animals are faced with the reality of how fragile they truly are. Horsemen are constantly seeking new tools to keep their animals sleek, healthy, happy, and performing at their utmost capabilities.

A new way of keeping horses sleek and healthy

A new way of keeping horses sleek and healthy

Bluebonnet Feeds has been researching nutrition based preventative health and maintenance of the equine athlete, focusing on designing a complete palate of microbes for healthy digestion for individual horses’ needs.

The great news is that today’s equine nutrition and preventative health options are burgeoning, as research based microbial products provide real results against the timeless enemies such as colic, ulcers, diarrhea, stress and the loss of “good” microbes due to use of antibiotics.

 Modern nutrition research is revealing how far we take horses away from their natural habits during intense training and showing regimens. While adding probiotics to aid digestion is not a new idea, research shows that horses’ needs are individual and a “one size fits all” approach of feeding traditional single strain probiotics is frequently not effective.

The old saying is “no hoof – no horse”, but even the health of the foot begins in the belly of the horse. Bluebonnet Feeds has been researching nutrition based preventative health and maintenance of the equine athlete, focusing on designing a complete palate of microbes for healthy digestion for individual horses’ needs.

This effort has led them to a unique patent-pending manufacturing and formulation process with a unique and substantial blend of hearty prebiotics and probiotics designed to complement and reinforce existing good microbes in the horse, while naturally balancing pH. Nutritionists at Bluebonnet designed their new STRIDE® supplements to provide effective, survivable sources of microbial power that are complete and balanced for horsemen, eliminating the need to shop and seek individual sources for varied supplemental needs.

STRIDE® StableOne™ is concentrated and packaged in paste and powder form for critical care patients as well as pre and or post-surgical use. STRIDE® Transform DSI® features similar technology available in a pelleted form. STRIDE® Transform DSI® is available from your local veterinarian and feed & animal health supplier as well as online at

STRIDE® StableOne™ and STRIDE® Transform DSI® are unique in the market place using very specific strains of stabilized live yeast and active enzymes, presented in a proprietary Intensify® Technology protective manufacturing process. Research headed by distinguished Nebraska Veterinarian Dr. Lowell R. Smalley, DVM showed over 30% increased digestive performance.

Dr. Smalley said: “Recently I was fortunate enough to monitor a feeding trial that would accurately measure the digestive effects of a technology that I had on many occasions successfully administered to horses suffering from digestive, nutritional, or stress related clinical gastrointestinal disorders."

"The results of this trial clearly demonstrated improvement in nutrient digestibility created by enhanced microbial metabolic activity augmented by the ingredients in STRIDE® StableOne™ and STRIDE® Transform DSI®. Healthy microbial metabolic activity creates gastrointestinal homeostasis contributing greatly to the horses overall health.”

Bluebonnet Feeds is proud to present this revolutionary product to the equine industry as we continue our quest to provide the safest, healthiest and best performing equine feeding programs available anywhere. Whether they are road warriors or pasture companions they are all champions deserving the best! Contact Bluebonnet today for more information.

Find out more about the STRIDE® family of supplements

About the Author

Flossie Sellers

Author picture

As an animal lover since childhood, Flossie was delighted when Mark, the CEO and developer of EquiMed asked her to join his team of contributors.

She enrolled in My Horse University at Michigan State and completed a number of courses in everything related to horse health, nutrition, diseases and conditions, medications, hoof and dental care, barn safety, and first aid.

Staying up-to-date on the latest developments in horse care and equine health is now a habit, and she enjoys sharing a wealth of information with horse owners everywhere.
