Equiwinner Delivers Effective Treatment Against Sweet Itch

Culicoides midge - A cause of sweet itch.
Culicoides midge - A cause of sweet itch. Wikipedia

Newsdate: May 16, 2018, 12:30 pm
Location: MESA, Arizona

From April through October, horses often develop a skin condition called sweet itch. It’s caused by tiny biting gnats or midges. There are more than one thousand species of them in the Culicoides genus.

Summer months = Sweet itch for horses.

Summer months = Sweet itch for horses

From April through October, horses often develop a skin condition called sweet itch caused by tiny biting Culicoides gnats or midges.
© 2017 by Smerikal New window.

Until now, treatments have been limited to managing the symptoms instead of dealing with the cause. When electrolyte salts present in a horse’s normal perspiration are correctly balanced, the horse has a natural defense against bacteria, fungus, skin microbes and even gnats. Even the eyes are protected by salt in the tears.

Sweet itch and other skin conditions can develop when that delicate electrolyte balance is compromised. Feeding more electrolytes simply can’t restore this critical balance but, when the horse’s own electrolytes are precisely balanced to work correctly, many such conditions will disappear.

Equiwinner does that. It’s a simple, effective dermal patch that regulates the horse’s electrolytes to restore that proper balance as Nature intended. It produces amazing results, often in ten days or less.

Valerie Jackson, President of Olympic Peninsula Equine Network (OPEN) – a horse rescue non-profit in Western Washington State – describes her personal experience with two of the horses in her care.

“Sienna was a 15-year-old registered Morgan mare,” she says. “She came to us in August 2017 so badly eaten that she was mutilating herself to scratch the itch. She had rubbed her mane off and had very little tail left. She was unhappy and unadoptable.

“After two Equiwinner treatments, she had a full recovery. With a beautiful coat, mane and tail, she was successfully adopted and we noticed that flies had also become much less interested in her.”

Jackson’s second success story was more personal. “My own 7-year-old Tennessee Walker gelding, Dash, was suffering with sweet itch. On September 1, 2017, I put him on Equiwinner, a new patch each day for ten days, and nothing else. To my amazement, the wounds started to heal and his hair began growing back!

“I’m a believer in this product and so glad to have this to help our rescue horses as well.”

The simple 10-day Equiwinner patch treatment costs less than constantly trying to treat or manage symptoms. One single treatment can be effective for up to one full year, when used as directed. The patches contain only naturally balanced electrolytes. Nothing goes into the body of the horse so it will never test positive. The horse’s body simply recognizes the electrolytes in the patches and responds to them. There are no side effects.

For more information, or to order, visit https://signal-health.com

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EquiMed Staff

EquiMed staff writers team up to provide articles that require periodic updates based on evolving methods of equine healthcare. Compendia articles, core healthcare topics and more are written and updated as a group effort. Our review process includes an important veterinarian review, helping to assure the content is consistent with the latest understanding from a medical professional.
