Hoof Care for The Winter Months - It's a Great Time to Transition Your Horse to Barefoot

Newsdate: Fri 30 October 2015 – 07:00 am
Location: SAN DIEGO, California

You’ve had another magnificent summer with your horse—Invigorating rides, cantering through emerald green country sides, lazy picnic lunches, and refreshing dips In your favorite local swimming spots. It’s been a fantastic season and it is now coming to an end.

Hoof preparation for winter time

Hoof preparation for winter time

Most of us don’t ride as frequently during the winter months, so this time can be used to rehabilitate from the dangerous effects of metal shoes on your horse’s feet and hoof boots can be a useful, practical and no-nonsense tool.

Maybe you’ve considered pulling the metal shoes off your horse for the winter. Perhaps you’ve heard about the benefits of re-establishing proper hoof mechanism. You like the idea of allowing blood to flow freely into the live tissue of the brilliant structures that support your horse.

You are well aware of the axiom – no hoof, no horse and you want to do the best you can for your horse’s health and well-being.

You want fresh blood circulating to provide nourishment and oxygen to your horse’s feet. You want their weight and the shock of impact to be properly absorbed. And you know all about those debilitating conditions that so many horses are plagued with; navicular disease, laminitis, ring bone, side bone, splints, arthritis and chronic thrush can all be deterred by a practice that is simple, beneficial and cost effective.

Have I got your attention?

Now is the time to pull off those metal shoes. Allow the frog to make contact with the ground and pump fresh blood through all the coriums of the hoof—allow shock to be properly absorbed by the hoof, rather than referred back up the structure by the impact of jarring metal.

With various studies concluding that horses receive an 800 Hz vibration as metal impacts a hard surface at a trot, now is a good time to relieve those debilitating effects and encourage the hoof to expand and contract as it should. Cavallo Hoof Boots can help make this happen!

What we call “hoof mechanism” is the pumping function that restores hoof health to your horse; absorbing shock rather than delivering it.

Your solution is to simply pull off those metal shoes and use Cavallo Hoof Boots to keep your horse comfortably free and natural.

So you’re probably thinking—what are the costs of trimming compared to shoeing. The costs of hoof boots, even with trimming costs included, will amount to less than regular shoeing. But here’s the real savings—veterinary fees!

Your horse’s overall strength, respiratory, circulatory and immune system will benefit. Yes, a poorly functioning hoof can bring down the entire system, while alternatively, a properly functioning hoof has the effect of nourishing and revitalising the whole horse.

Most of us don’t ride as frequently during the winter months, so this time can be used to rehabilitate from the dangerous effects of nailing metal shoes into your horse’s feet. Hoof boots can be the most useful, practical and no-nonsense tool to assist in returning those feet to their rightful healthy state.

Use Cavallo Hoof Boots for riding in winter. The boot soles naturally deter snow and ice from balling up inside the sole concavity, while adding studs can help with traction on icy surfaces. You can keep your horse moving all winter with the assistance of well fitting and well made hoof boots.

For horses dealing with bacterial infections or injuries, our boots can be used to aid in protection and speed up healing times. If you need to apply a poultice, secure a bandage, or remove thrushy bacterial infections, you can leave Cavallo Hoof Boots on even for turnout—just tape up the aeration slots to keep the hoof dry in wet weather. This will also help to combat the effects of ice shards or any other aggressive terrain.

The use and benefits of Cavallo’s are indeed multiple. And if you need any support or assistance for your new program, please contact us at info@cavallo-inc.com

About Carole Herder

Carole Herder has a genuine passion for educating horse owners worldwide, especially on all matters related to natural horse care. Given her strong belief that keeping horses barefoot assists to alleviate hoof problems, Carole designed and developed Cavallo Simple, Sport and Trek Boots.

In 1993, she also designed and developed Total Comfort System Saddle Pads to address the other “hot spot” for horses ridden under saddle – sore backs. Providing comfort for horses is Carole’s passion. In 2010, she won the Royal Bank of Canada western division Trail Blazer Woman Entrepreneur of the year award. Carole is an author of several publications and is currently finalizing her first book. She presents training at numerous horse events worldwide. www.cavallo-inc.com

About the Author

Flossie Sellers

Author picture

As an animal lover since childhood, Flossie was delighted when Mark, the CEO and developer of EquiMed asked her to join his team of contributors.

She enrolled in My Horse University at Michigan State and completed a number of courses in everything related to horse health, nutrition, diseases and conditions, medications, hoof and dental care, barn safety, and first aid.

Staying up-to-date on the latest developments in horse care and equine health is now a habit, and she enjoys sharing a wealth of information with horse owners everywhere.
