Learn to Motivate, Control, and Communicate with Your Horse

Newsdate: Wed 23 October 2013 – 7:00 am
Location: REDDICK, Florida

An athlete and competitor by nature, master horse trainer and developer Kalley Krickeberg has become iconic for her exciting, touching and fast-paced multiple-horse liberty demonstrations with up to twenty horses.

The art of training your horse

The art of training your horse

New! The Sport of Liberty DVD By Kalley Krickeberg shares the fun, excitement and grace of training your horse with no strings attached.

Her work tests the athleticism, ability and connection with her equine students. Now, for the first time, she shares her step-by-step liberty horse training framework with the public in her new DVD, The Sport of Liberty.

In this 4-disc DVD set, Kalley takes you through her liberty horse development framework of Motivate, Control & Communicate, which will help you ensure that your body language is precise, your communication is clear, and your connection with your horses develops to previously unseen levels.

Starting from work with a single horse on line and progressing all the way to managing a team of six, there isn't a step of liberty development Kalley doesn’t touch on in this compelling and clear DVD.

You'll learn how to MOTIVATE your horse to connect with you - to want to be with you - so that he pays attention to your requests, which allows you to build an exponential amount of try into him over his career. Then, you'll master basic skills you need to CONTROL your horse's body parts and movements.

Once you have those basic skills built in and you understand how to move his personal space around, then it is time for some high-level liberty COMMUNICATION - where the real fun begins! From there, maneuvers and even orchestrating multiple horses at liberty becomes possible!

From safety strategies, tools and visualization all the way to learning how to develop your own liberty maneuvers, this compelling DVD includes everything you'll need to become fair, deliberate and graceful with your horses in The Sport of Liberty.

Segments include:

Basics: Rules of the Game
Movement, Voice Cues and What Not To Do
Families of Maneuvers
Motivating a Horse with No Prior Liberty Experience
Pre-Game Checks and Skills Online
Developing Control at Liberty
Communicating with the Advanced Liberty Horse
Manufacturing a Maneuver - Spin
Making it a Team Sport - Introducing Multiple Horses
Lesson: Three Horses at Liberty Together
Moving Horses from Horseback
Plus Additional Bonus Features!

Runtime: 6 hrs, 30 min

For more information, or to buy your copy of The Sport of Liberty for only $249.99, or call 630-608-0804.

About Kalley Krickeberg

Kalley Krickeberg is a master horse developer, presenter and horsewoman who has dedicated her life to finding the right combination of techniques to capture the heart, obedience and athleticism of her horses.

She has taken all of her prior experiences – excelling in polo, working with the Budweiser Clydesdales, starting colts, taming wild mustangs, and giving countless inspirational and educational demonstrations – and applied every lesson learned to her horse development.

“I do not consider myself a clinician, I do most certainly consider myself a horse developer and horse trainer and that is my life’s work and greatest fascination.” ~ Kalley

About the Author

Flossie Sellers

Author picture

As an animal lover since childhood, Flossie was delighted when Mark, the CEO and developer of EquiMed asked her to join his team of contributors.

She enrolled in My Horse University at Michigan State and completed a number of courses in everything related to horse health, nutrition, diseases and conditions, medications, hoof and dental care, barn safety, and first aid.

Staying up-to-date on the latest developments in horse care and equine health is now a habit, and she enjoys sharing a wealth of information with horse owners everywhere.
