New Study Shows FLUVAC INNOVATOR® Is Cross-reactive Against Three Recent OIE Equine Influenza Isolate

Newsdate: Sat 08 August 2015 – 6:45 am
Location: FLORHAM PARK, New Jersey

Amid equine influenza virus (EIV) season, a new Zoetis study showed FLUVAC INNOVATOR® to be cross-reactive against three emerging World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) equine influenza isolates.1

Protecting horses from deadly strains of influenza

Protecting horses from deadly strains of influenza

FLUVAC INNOVATOR is the most tested and trusted EIV vaccine on the market against equine influenza,one of the most common respiratory diseases in horses, spreading by coughing or sneezing from horse to horse in distances as far as 50 yards.

The study demonstrated sera from horses vaccinated with EIV vaccine FLUVAC INNOVATOR EHV 4/1 or FLUVAC INNOVATOR 5 were cross-reactive against:

  • Ayrshire 2013 (AY/13), European clade 2 isolate1
  • Kentucky 2014 (KY/14), North American clade 1 isolate1
  • Texas 2012 (TX/12), North American clade 1 isolate1

The vaccinates demonstrated at least 97.4% cross-reactivity to these three recent EIV isolates. These high rates of seroconversion demonstrated that FLUVAC INNOVATOR continues to be immunologically relevant against newly emerging North American clade 1 and European clade 2 EIV strains.

“These are the most recent OIE isolates that we have on file at the OIE reference lab at the University of Kentucky,” said Robert Holland, DVM, PhD, director of Zoetis Outcomes Research. “In result, there were good cross-reactive antibodies when vaccinated with Kentucky/97 FLUVAC INNOVATOR against those strains.”

Zoetis regularly tests FLUVAC INNOVATOR to ensure that it is immunogenic against emerging EIV isolates. A total of six studies have demonstrated that Kentucky/97 is effective against nine emerging strains.1-6 Four studies were challenge-of-immunity tests, the gold standard for determining vaccine efficacy.2-5 In each challenge study, the Kentucky/97 vaccine virus was shown to help protect against the EIV challenge strain.

Equine influenza is one of the most common respiratory diseases in horses, spreading by aerosol transmission (coughing or sneezing) from horse to horse in distances as far as 50 yards.8

“All horses are considered at risk for influenza, and when they get influenza, they can be down and out of work for up to three weeks because the virus can cause such damage,” said Holland. “I recommend FLUVAC INNOVATOR EHV-4/1 vaccination booster for all my horses in the fall.”

Veterinarians and horse owners who choose FLUVAC INNOVATOR vaccines can have confidence that their product is the most tested and trusted EIV vaccine on the market.1-7

Zoetis INNOVATOR vaccines are supported by the Zoetis Equine Immunization Support Guarantee, which means if a horse is properly vaccinated by a veterinarian with Zoetis antigens and contracts the corresponding equine disease, Zoetis will provide up to $5,000 in diagnostic and treatment costs. The Equine Immunization Support Guarantee covers the following:

  • Equine influenza
  • Equine herpesvirus Types 1 and 4, respiratory (new)
  • West Nile
  • Eastern, Western and Venezuelan encephalitis
  • Tetanus

“Properly administered vaccines help reduce the risk of infection, so we encourage horse owners to work with their veterinarian to formulate a complete vaccination program addressing the core and risk diseases,” said Zoetis Technical Services Veterinarian Kevin Hankins, DVM, MBA.

“The Equine Immunization Support Guarantee program is an opportunity for horse owners to discuss their concerns with their veterinarian and ultimately help provide the best possible health care to their horses.”

Click here to view a video explaining how vaccines are tested and evaluated, including highlights of the results from the recent Zoetis study. For more information, visit

About Zoetis

Zoetis (zō-EH-tis) is the leading animal health company, dedicated to supporting its customers and their businesses. Building on more than 60 years of experience in animal health, Zoetis discovers, develops, manufactures and markets veterinary vaccines and medicines, complemented by diagnostic products and genetic tests and supported by a range of services. In 2014, the company generated annual revenue of $4.8 billion.

With approximately 10,000 employees worldwide at the beginning of 2015, Zoetis serves veterinarians, livestock producers and people who raise and care for farm and companion animals with sales of its products in 120 countries. For more information, visit

1 Data on file, Study Report No. 15EQRGBIO-02, Zoetis Inc.

2 Data on file, Study Report No. 671-02-001R, Zoetis Inc.

3 Data on file, Study Report No. 671-08-004.R, Zoetis Inc.

4 Data on file, Study Report No. 766-09-002.R, Zoetis Inc.

5 Data on file, Study Report No. 10OREQBIO-01, Zoetis Inc.

6 Data on file, Study Report No. 14OREQBIO-1, Zoetis Inc.

7 West Nile-Innovator and Fluvac Innovator MDI Sales Data as of 12/31/14. Zoetis. Dec. 2014.

8 American Association of Equine Practitioners. Suspected Case of Contagious Infectious Respiratory Disease.

About the Author

Flossie Sellers

Author picture

As an animal lover since childhood, Flossie was delighted when Mark, the CEO and developer of EquiMed asked her to join his team of contributors.

She enrolled in My Horse University at Michigan State and completed a number of courses in everything related to horse health, nutrition, diseases and conditions, medications, hoof and dental care, barn safety, and first aid.

Staying up-to-date on the latest developments in horse care and equine health is now a habit, and she enjoys sharing a wealth of information with horse owners everywhere.
