Sox for Horses Helps Older Horses Step Into Their Golden Years

Newsdate: Fri 04 October 2013 – 10:05 am
Location: TALLAHASSEE, Florida

 “Old age is not a disease. It is strength and survivorship, triumph over all kinds of vicissitudes, disappointments, trials and illnesses,” said the late American activist, Maggie Kuhn (1905-1995), whose forced retirement in 1970 at age 65 launched the most active years of her life as founder of the Grey Panther movement. Kuhn saw aging not as the end of a journey but the start of savoring wisdom and experiences collected along the way.

Keeping horses comfortable with sox summer and winter

Keeping horses comfortable with sox summer and winter

According to the University of California-Davis School of Veterinary Medicine, Petterson cites, “Owners of older horses have generally owned them for a long time....developed a bond similar to that seen with companion animals such as dogs and cats.
© 2013 by Sox for Horses

To Raymond Petterson, president of Sox For Horses, Inc., it might also apply to describing the journey we share with our older equine companions. According to the University of California-Davis School of Veterinary Medicine, Petterson cites, “Owners of older horses have generally owned them for a long time. They have developed a bond similar to that seen with companion animals such as dogs and cats.”

Certainly how a horse was used and cared for during its lifetime contributes to how well it will fair in old age, but its environment also plays a significant role. “For humans, aging brings aches and pains with it and that’s no different for your horse.

So this winter, while that blizzard rages outside and you're sitting inside by a roaring fire with a hot beverage in your hands and a belly full of 'comfort food,' have you considered how your old equine friend is faring outside? Is s/he in a stall, away from that razor-like wind, well fed, watered and wearing a warm blanket?

Without question these are the necessary basics. Older horses need more managed care and at that stage of their lives, it doesn't hurt to pull a set of Whinny Warmers up their legs as part of your 'bundling up' routine. They deserve it.”

Whinny Warmers® equine socks for horses are long, warm socks that slip over the feet and bring warmth and comfort to a horse's cold legs, where there is little to no fat or insulating tissue.” Petterson, inventor of Sox For Horses explains: “The socks are made to fit over the hoof and [no0glossary]cover the leg while designed to not easily come off.”

For many horses, the pain of arthritis and cold temperatures can bring them to a standstill as though frozen to the ground. Horses that suffer from circulation-impairing disease such as founder, laminitis, IR Cushings and Equine Metabolic Syndrome need all the warmth they can get on their legs to encourage good blood flow. 

In the winter, Whinny Warmers can transform the quality of life for elderly horses.  “It's amazing to see the changes in a horse that was in need of help staying warm. It’s not unusual to see a horse go from barely being able to walk, to enjoying pasture turn-out after only a few weeks of wearing Whinny Warmers.

I saw for myself what Whinny WarmersÒ did to help my old mare. She had a great life in the winter thanks to these socks.”  Petterson's veterinarian and farrier also encouraged him to make and market more socks for more horses. “I think we were all pretty impressed with how that horse changed for the better.” 

If you share your life with an equine friend who, like Kuhn, has survived the vicissitudes of aging, and never want to wonder how they are faring in the storm while you are inside by the fire, get a pair of Whinny Warmers to pull over their old legs when blanketing and tucking them inside the barn.  Then let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.

The Sox For Horses, Inc. mission is to help owners better help their equines, to make a difference in the lives of people and animals through support of equine and animal rescue organization, and to secure and add jobs to American manufacturing.

Dealer inquiries are welcome. Whinny Warmers® and Summer Whinnys® are Made In America. Visit or call Sox For Horses, Inc. (850) 907-5724 to talk to a real person about fitting the right socks for your horse.

About the Author

Flossie Sellers

Author picture

As an animal lover since childhood, Flossie was delighted when Mark, the CEO and developer of EquiMed asked her to join his team of contributors.

She enrolled in My Horse University at Michigan State and completed a number of courses in everything related to horse health, nutrition, diseases and conditions, medications, hoof and dental care, barn safety, and first aid.

Staying up-to-date on the latest developments in horse care and equine health is now a habit, and she enjoys sharing a wealth of information with horse owners everywhere.
