Summer Fly Protection for Your Horse

Newsdate: Thu, 31 May 2012 - 07:10 am
Location: HAVANA, Florida

 “The worst case I've ever seen had maggots living in the wounds and the smell would have knocked down a charging elephant.”  So went the distressing post of a forum contributor on, in reference to a discussion board topic regarding dry, crusty or oozing sores, and skin problems like scratches. It’s an awful scenario to imagine any horse suffering like that.

Protect your equine from horse flies

Protect your equine from horse flies

In warmer regions, where flies live and breed all year, veterinarians are finding non-healing leg sores on the upswing and failing to respond to antibiotics.

Leg sores and wounds that fail to respond to antibiotics, and daily care and attention, are alarming and increasingly frustrating.  In southern Florida and warmer regions, where flies live and breed all year, veterinarians and horse holistic practitioners are finding non-healing leg sores on the upswing and failing to respond to antibiotics.

Taking a new look at the challenges that come with summer fly protection is a product by Sox For Horses, Inc.:  Summer Whinnys® have been earning world-wide respect for protecting equine legs from flies, plus offering an antimicrobial environment around the leg that helps lead to better wound and sores healing.  Fibers used to custom spin the specialized yarn in Summer Whinnys take advantage of all the inroads made in modern fiber technology used control bacteria, fungi and mold in hospital environments. These are embedded with silver and copper ions to inhibit the growth of these elements while being worn on a horse.

Raymond Petterson, President of Sox For Horses, Inc., explains, “I knew when I was creating these socks that the science of fiber could take them far beyond what was expected in the industry and into the field of fly protection.  I had the opportunity to make them a problem-solving solution as the ultimate in summer leg wear, and I didn’t hesitate.”  He went another stride forward by choosing an additional fiber known for its ability to wick moisture from the skin and create a cooling effect on the leg, wrapping it all into one, tidy set of socks, called Summer Whinnys, that not only stay in place on the leg but help owners win the battle against sores and wounds that otherwise refuse to heal without a clean environment, free from biting flies.

Sox For Horses, Inc., and their lines of summer and winter horse socks are Made In America, and support animal rescue organizations.  Have a question? Feel free to call (850) 907-5724 and discuss how socks can help your horse. They always have time to help owners determine what size of sock to order. For more information, visit

About Summer Whinnys®

Summer Whinnys allow freer motion of the fetlock/pastern and stay in place from morning until night with a comfortable, and safe level of light compression on the leg. Functionality and performance make Summer Whinnys the solution for protecting legs from biting flies for multiple summers. Summer Whinnys and Whinny Warmers® are Made In America.

Read more about hot weather threats to horses.

About the Author

Flossie Sellers

Author picture

As an animal lover since childhood, Flossie was delighted when Mark, the CEO and developer of EquiMed asked her to join his team of contributors.

She enrolled in My Horse University at Michigan State and completed a number of courses in everything related to horse health, nutrition, diseases and conditions, medications, hoof and dental care, barn safety, and first aid.

Staying up-to-date on the latest developments in horse care and equine health is now a habit, and she enjoys sharing a wealth of information with horse owners everywhere.
