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Rescued Horses in El Dorado County, CA, Now Available for Adoption

Forty eight horses are up for adoption after being rescued and eventually taken over by El Dorado County Human Services Agency.

The Dangers of Dewormers Verses the Dangers of Worms in Horses

"Before effective dewormers were available many horses did poorly, developed other diseases as a complication associated with the worms, or even died due to worms.”

A Feel-Good Thanksgiving Story about A Horse That Paints

Like many broken-down thoroughbreds, Metro Meteor could have simply ended up being sent to slaughter, but Ron Krajewski, an artist and his wife, Wendy, were looking for a horse to use in trail riding and adopted him.

Perspectives on Fear and Safety for Horse and Rider - An Equitopia Online Conference

Understanding what happens in the case of fear of either horse of human, helps us deal with the situation appropriately while preserving the welfare of both horse and rider.

Photos Show Queen Elizabeth's Early Love of Horses

A book to be published to mark the birth of Prince George will feature unpublished childhood photos that show Queen' Elizabeth's early love of horses.

Tweet To Win Contest to Attend Alltech National Horse Show

Rood & Riddle Veterinary Pharmacy is hosting a contest via Twitter inviting people to explain in one tweet why they want to attend the Kentucky Experience and the Alltech National Horse Show.

Pedal Bone Fracture

Learn why pedal bone fractures in horses are serious and how to prevent chronic lameness with proper stall confinement and progressive exercise once healing of the fracture begins.

American Farriers Journal Pays Tribute to Farriers

From now until July 1, 2014, we are asking horse owners, riders, trainers, grooms, veterinarians and others in the equine community to submit photos, videos and stories about their farrier.

Biostar EQ Presents Expert on Equine Nutrition

Join Biostar EQ's, Tigger Montague on Tuesday, July 30th at 8pm EDT for a FREE Ask the Expert Live audio Q&A on everything to do nutritionally with the horse.
