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Cold Weather Adjustments to Protect Horse Health

Adjustments in your feeding, watering and conditioning of horses during winter weather will help ensure that your horses stay healthy.

Horse Lovers Summit on the Sea - Speakers, Events and So Much More

Horse Lovers Summit on the Sea is highlighted by excellent speakers who share information on important equine topics, and guests enjoy the many cruise activities available.

Horse Emergencies: Be Prepared to Act Quickly Based on Best Practices

Traumatic injury accompanied by severe bleeding, colic, acute lameness,shock, and choking are emergencies for which all horse owners need to be prepared.

Six Tips to Help Keep Your Horse Healthy During Fall and Winter Weather

Although horses are very adaptable to cold weather, managing their physical and nutritional needs takes some planning.

Scheduling the Farrier

Learn how to make sure you and the farrier you hire are on the same page when it comes to emergencies and regular hoof care for your horse.

Worm Damage Causes Death of Young Horse

An equine vet is urging horse owners to maintain a responsible worming program after the sudden death of a seemingly healthy horse that dropped dead in a field. A post mortem examination found that the cause of death was a fatal blood clot caused by sev

Rattle Snake Vaccine Important for Horses

With the summer heating up, snakes, including rattle snakes are coming out of hiding and into areas where horses and people are enjoying days in the sun. Fortunately for horses and horse owners, rattlesnake vaccine is now approved for Horses - "Cro

New Site with Info about Horses in Need Launches

Today, the Equine Network launched, a new online source for content about America’s horses in need of care and shelter. The site is part of A Home For Every Horse on, a collaboration of The Equine Network and The Americ

Prevent Heat Stroke in Horses as Summer Temperatures Increase

If your horse shows signs of heat stroke, immediately move the horse to a cooler, shady area, and call the veterinarian.

Fall Season Brings Challenges and Pleasures for Horses and Owners

"Depending on where you live, autumn months bring a variety of weather conditions that affect horse owners, riders, and horses in ways that bring pleasure, but also in ways that are distracting, frustrating and create extra work for both the horse and ow
