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Salt for Horses: A Year-Around Necessity

During cold weather, salt helps promote enough water consumption by the horse to prevent dehydration and during warm weather, salt replaces that lost in perspiration.

Caring for Horses During Hot Weather

You must provide extra care for your horse during hot weather to reduce stress and maintain health and well-being.

Take the Trauma Out of 5 Horse Health Emergencies

Colic, acute lameness, traumatic injury accompanied by severe bleeding, shock, and choke are emergencies for which all horse owners need to be prepared.

Slaughtering Horses for Food Not an Option

[no-glossary] These horses are part of our heritage," BLM chief Robert Abbey told a room of breeders, trainers and law makes.  "Make no mistake, they deserve to be treated the best way that we can treat them. The Summit of the Horse held on Tuesda

EIA Reminder for Horse Owners In Canada and the USA

All horses entering the United States from Canada must be negative for Equine Infectious Anemia on a test taken within 180 days of entering the US.

Hardships for Horses Verified by Study

Closure of US equine slaughter facilities in 2007 along with the concomitant economic recession have contributed to a sharp increase in the number of unwanted horses throughout the United States, with estimates totaling 100,000 horses per year.

BLM Investigates Colorado Wild Horse Deaths

The Colorado Communications Director for the BLM has announced that 19 wild horses have been found dead at the Canon City Wild Horse Inmate Program facility.

Limping Horse? Assessing and Treating Lameness in Your Horse

The anatomy of the equine with fine legs and a large body puts the horse in a precarious position, and, as a horse owner, taking prompt action when any signs of lameness occur save time and money and possibly your horse's life.

Inhumane Treatment of Mustangs Sparks Calls to Halt Utah Roundup

Photographs document BLM helicopters nearly hitting wild horses and causing the terrified horses to crash into and over barbed wire fencing.

Horse Food Pantries Needed NOW

Horse Journal Veterinary Editor Dr. Deb Eldredge is asking everyone to think about the horses in drought-stricken areas and their fate.  As you may have seen on the news, cattle are being sent to slaughterhouses in record numbers because farmers can'
