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Horse Remains Reveal New Insights into How Native Peoples Raised Horses

Based on a study of the horse's bones/DNA Taylor and his colleagues concluded that it wasn't an Ice Age mammal, but a domesticated horse that likely belonged to Ute or Shoshone communities.

Avoid Trees that Are Toxic to Horses at Spring Planting Time

With cold weather easing in many areas, horse owners often begin planting trees in areas where horses are kept. Unfortunately, some trees and plants are toxic to horses and steps should be taken to avoid having these trees near horses.

Do You Know the Hidden Dangers in Every Horse Barn?

”Even on farms with the most conscientious level of care, there are several common practices that are at odds with what nature intended, and may be putting horses at risk.”

Road to the Horse: Judgment Time

The fate of the next Road to the Horse Colt Starting World Champion rests in the hands of the selected panel of judges for the 2013 competition.  Dan James, Guy McLean, Sarah Winters and Obbie Schlom will need to impress judges: Mike Kevil, Joe Wolter, I

Five Steps to Improving Your Horse's Dental Health

A veterinarian has the medical, anatomical and physiological knowledge to diagnose, treat dental problems, and understand the effects that dental problems have on the overall health of your horse.

Three Tips To Prevent Winter Horse Health Challenges

Caring for horses during the winter brings unique challenges which can wreak havoc on your horse's GI tract and increase his risk for digestive upset.

Daily Horse Care Tasks

Learn the 5 daily tasks that are necessary for good horse keeping and the ways you can lighten your load, while keeping your horse-care tasks on schedule.

AYHC Reminds Horse Owners to Consider Cold Weather Needs

It’s autumn—time for all around winter prep, and that includes your horses. The American Youth Horse Council reminds every horse owner or caretaker that cold, wet weather brings additional considerations for the well-being of our equines.

Keeping a Horse Sound and Competitive

As anyone involved in the performance horse business knows, keeping horses sound and competitive is an ongoing challenge. Trainers, veterinarians and horse owners all agree that performance relies on the sound legs of the horse athlete.

Feed Not Suspect In Herpesvirus Cases

Feed is not on the list of common transmission sources for the the dangerous herpes virus that has killed horses in several states in the West and Midwest. Instead, the Equine herpes virus, which is said to be a common virus of horses worldwide, is
