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Wild Fires: A Continued Threat for Horse Owners

Having a wild fire evacuation plan and implementing that plan is the greatest factor in saving not only the monetary loss of their horses but also emotional loss horse owners face with the loss of a horse

Muzzle Adjustments May Prevent Damage to Horses' Teeth

A bit of knowledge and common sense will make wearing a muzzle much less damaging to a horse's teeth.

Making Internal Parasite Protection for Horses a Priority

Most intestinal parasites are ingested while horses are grazing where eggs and larvae of parasites have been deposited on grass and upper layers of the soil.

Horse Traveling in a Trailer - Can It Bring on Colic?

Although no scientific link has been found between trailering and colic, factors surrounding the trip could affect a horse’s gastrointestinal function.

Equine Nutrition Myth Busters

Myths passed down from sources not knowledgeable about horse nutrition can be confusing, but knowing facts about what keeps a horse healthy and energetic relative to age and workload is important for all-around good health.

Wise Horse Owners Expect the Unexpected to Keep Horses Safe during Disasters

During hurricanes, earthquakes, wild fires, floods and other disasters, having a plan in place will save you time and money and possibly the lives of your horses.

Western Dressage Assn® of America Announces Breed Alliance Partnership with National Walking Horse Assn

”Alliance Partnerships work to educate equestrians to the value of using Dressage principles and progression in the development and utilization of the working Western horse.”

Unwanted Horse Coalition Launches New Website

”The Unwanted Horse Coalition is excited to announce the launch of its new website with important information about the unwanted horse issue, links to additional resources such as feed and haybanks, gelding and health care voucher programs, and grant-ma

Complexities of Insulin Resistance in Horses

Although documented in ponies over a quarter century ago, the existence and clinical significance of insulin resistance in equines have only recently become widely recognized and accepted.

Yes, Your Horse Needs Dental Care Even in Cold Weather

Routine dental care is essential to your horse's in health. Periodic examinations and regular maintenance, such as floating, are especially necessary today for a number of reasons:
