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New Cases of Equine Herpesvirus Type 1 Reported in Washington State

Sixteen horses are confirmed positive for the EHV-1 neurotropic strain of EHV-1 and seven horses have been euthanized due to equine herpesvirus myeloencepalopathy.

Ear Plaque - A Summer Problem for Horses

If the horse becomes sensitive to the lesions in the ears, head shaking and head shyness may make it difficult to put on a halter or bridle

Increasing Wild Horse Population Divides New Mexico Residents

The horses are a divisive issue in Placitas between residents who believe the animals should be allowed to roam freely and those who say the population increase is unsustainable.

Woman Convicted of Horse Abuse May Be Headed to Jail

After violating her probation by bringing 17 horses to her Greenfield farm, a 58-year-old woman convicted of animal abuse and neglect in May could be headed to jail. Ann Arnold of Wilton Greenfield Road was convicted in May of abusing or neglecting 19 of

Miniature Horses Bring Comfort to Newtown Survivors

Miniature horses from Florida's Gentle Carousel Miniature Therapy Horses are on the road to Connecticut to work with those affected by the Sandy Hook Elementary shootings. The horses will rely on donated transportation and accommodations during their

Learning Safe Horsemanship Through Understanding Behaviour

The popularity of Equine Guelph's new Horse Behaviour and Safety eWorkshop was established quickly as it sold out within two hours of the first offering announcement," exclaims Equine Guelph's director, Gayle Ecker.  "We are pleased that horse pe

AHC Announces August 22, 2022, Webinar - Top 10 Things the Equine Community Needs to Know About Equine Liability Laws

Attorney Fershtman is the author of 'Equine Law and Horse Sense' which helps horse owners assess their needs, plan ahead and take precautions to avoid conflicts.

New Feed for Miniature Horses and Ponies

Purina® has introduced a new Feed for Miniature Horses and Ponies. The new feed is specially formulated to meet the unique nutritional needs of miniature horses and ponies.

Horses Raised To Be Competitors and Companions--Not Dinner

A recent article invoked America's cowboy culture as the only reason we don't eat horses, but there's much more to it than that ("Horse Slaughter Issue Won't Go Away," Oct. 25).

Managing Horse Parasites - Think Like a Parasite!

In "Think Like a Parasite - Managing Parasites in Horses, Donna Foulk, Extension Educator in Equine Natural Resources at Penn State cautions, "It is no longer enough to simply pull out a tube of dewormer and treat your horses every eight weeks." Today it
