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Horses Able to Distinguish Between Happy and Angry Human Faces

Horses are a socially sophisticated species and they can distinguish between positive and negative human facial expressions.

Ancient DNA Reveals Early Genus of Horses in North America

This extinct species of North American horse apparently diverged from the family tree leading to Equus 4 to 6 million years ago.

BLM Slammed for Plans to Wipe Out Wild Horses from Wyoming Checkerboard

The American Wild Horse Preservation Campaign has charged the BLM with turning the public lands over to the Rock Springs Grazing Association whose members profit from cheap, taxpayer-subsidized grazing on public lands in Wyoming.

So, Who Is the Father of All Stallions?

Modern horse breeds were established in the last two centuries and has been achieved through the use in breeding of a few selected males thereby restricting the genetic diversity.

BLM Threatening to Remove All Wild Horses in Wyoming Checkerboard

The Bureau of Land Management has announced public meetings in Rock Springs and Rawlins, WY on Sept. 11 and 12,  2013, to discuss removing all wild horses from the private and public lands of the Wyoming checkerboard.

QUICK TIPS: Protecting Your Horse Against Rabies is in Your Hands

Annual vaccination is the only way to protect your horse against rabies which is 100% fatal to horses once clinical signs appear.

Hit the Road with Horse Respiratory Health in Mind

Safe equine transport tends to get a lot of attention, but horse's respiratory health also merits equal consideration because it can be badly compromised during trailering.

Winter Travel with Your Horse? Blanket or No Blanket?

Gases from urine and manure, hay dust and shavings, can all play a key role in threatening your horse's health when traveling in a horse trailer.

Office of the State Veterinarian Has Issued Information and Warning Regarding California EHV-1 Outbreak

To reduce spread of EHV-1, it is recommended that all hunter/jumper events be postponed for the next 28 days, all equine events be postponed for 14 days, and non-essential horse movements postponed for at least 14 days.

What Kind of Training Does a Farrier Have?

In the USA, most states do not have a licensing program for farriers, so a wide quality gap may occur among practicing farriers in many areas. Other countries have specific licensing and training requirements.
